Reviewing Laws of Pesach

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 1. Learning the laws prior to the festival:[1] It is a Mitzvah[2] upon every Jew to study[3] the laws of Pesach prior to the festival until he is an expert in them, and knows what is to be done. One […]

Chapter 3: Reading Shnayim Mikra

Chapter 3: Reading Shnayim Mikra   Summary of the laws of Shnayim Mikra which are elaborated below: One is to read Shnayim Mikra Echad Targum on Erev Shabbos [immediately] after midday. Prior to reading Shnayim Mikra one is to cut his nails. One reads each Pasuk twice and then immediately […]

Understanding the divisions of the Parshiyos

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Understanding the divisions of the Parshiyos Introduction: There are various forms of divisions found in Tanach as it is published today, including verses, chapters, Sefarim, Parshiyos, and Aliyos. Interestingly, few of the above divisions are Biblically based, and rather have […]

Chapter 12: The Maftir and Haftorah

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Chapter 12: The Maftir and Haftorah[1] 1. The Historical background of the Maftir and Haftorah: A. The Haftorah:[2] The reading of the weekly Haftorah from the Prophets was established by the Anshei Kneses Hagedola[3] as a continuation of the accustomed […]

Chapter 4: The Baal Korei

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Chapter 4: The Baal Korei   Having a set Baal Korei-May an Olah read his own Aliyah? In the times of the Mishneh and Talmud, the custom was for the person who received the Aliyah to also serve as Baal […]

Summary & Checklist of Kerias Hatorah

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on  Checklist for receiving an Aliyah   By an Ashkenazi Minyan, provide your and your father’s Hebrew name to be called up for the Aliyah. If you are unaware of your father’s name, or if one is a convert, simply say […]

Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on 1. Havdala Motzei Shabbos Tishe Beav:[1] Havdala over wine is not recited on Motzei Shabbos, it is rather recited on Sunday night. [See below for the relevant laws of Havdala on Sunday night].   Meorei Haeish: One is to recite […]