May one do housework on Tisha B’av

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email May one do housework on Tisha B’av?[1] The general law of Melacha: […]

How to wear a Tallis Katan on Tishe Beav

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email How to wear a Tallis Katan on Tishe Beav: Tallis Katan-Blessing and […]

Chapter 1: The General Laws of Tefillin

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Chapter 1: The general laws 1. The Mitzvah: It is a positive command in the Torah to wear Tefillin.[1] It incorporates two positive commands, one to wear the head Tefillin and the second to wear the hand Tefillin.[2] This […]