Chapter 28: The Yartzite

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Chapter 28: The Yartzite[1]    Introduction: The day of the passing of the Niftar is customarily commemorated annually by the relatives, family and friends of the deceased.[2] It is called a Yahrzeit in Yiddish, which literally means […]

May one sign a DNI or DNR order for himself, or for a patient under his care

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Resuscitation-May one sign a DNI[1]/DNR[2]/AND[3] order for himself, or for a patient under his care?[4] A. Introduction: Understanding resuscitation and DNI/R consent forms: Resuscitation attempts [i.e. C.P.R.[5]] of one who is under cardiac arrest, or has experienced lung [i.e. respiratory] failure, is […]

Summary of Deuteronomy: Chapters 1-25

This article is an excerpt from our book Buy Here Parashat Devarim Verses: 105 [Siman:מלכיה ] Haftorah: Isaiah 1:1-27   Number of Mitzvot: There are a total of Two Mitzvot in Parashat Devarim; Zero positive commands and Two negative commands. The following are the commands in the order listed by […]

Summary of Leviticus: Chapters 19-27

This article is an excerpt from our book Buy Here Parashat Kedoshim Verses: 64 [Siman:מי זהב ] Haftorah:[1] Ezekiel 20:2-20   Number of Mitzvot: There are a total of 51 Mitzvot in Parashat Kedoshim; 13 positive commands and 38 negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological order […]