Counted without intention to fulfill the Mitzvah

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on   Counted without intention to fulfill the Mitzvah:[1] If one unintentionally stated the Sefira of that night [i.e. without intent to fulfill the Mitzvah], he is to recount later on at night without a blessing.[2] [This applies irrelevant of which […]

How to count

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on How to count: Counting in numbers versus letters?[1] One is to count the Sefira in number digits [אחד, שתים] as opposed to letters [i.e. א, ב, ג]. If one counted in letters and not in numbers, such as he said […]

Purim Meshulash

Purim Meshulash-When the 15th falls on Shabbos:[1] *The laws below are relevant for Jerusalem residents only! See the Q&A section as well as “From the Rav’s Desk” for further details relevant to the rest of the world by Purim Meshulash, including those relevant to Safek cities. Introduction: When the 15th […]

The meaning of the Holiday

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Introduction: The Holiday of Purim is a memorial day in the life of every Jew. It contains something unique that stands out differently than every other Holiday. This is not just a personal feeling, but is the perspective of our […]

Shabbos Rosh Chodesh

To purchase this Sefer, click here Shabbos Rosh Chodesh:[1] A. The prayer: Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv-Shacharis-Mincha: When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos one Davens the regular Shabbos Shemoneh Esrei, which contains seven blessings, for Maariv, Shacharis and Mincha, adding Ya’aleh Veyavo in the blessing of Avoda.[2] The regular dialect of […]

8. Working the land prior to the Shemita year

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer    Buy now on 8. Working the land prior to the Shemita year:[1] During Temple and Biblical Shemita times: In times that the Temple is established [and Shemita is Biblically observed], it is Biblically[2] forbidden to perform any[3] Shemita forbidden work on the […]

What to read

What is one obligated to read?[1] One is obligated to read all the pesukim[2] in the Parsha two times and to read the entire Targum Unkulus of that Parsha. [see footnote regarding reading other commentaries instead of Targum[3]] Likewise every G-d fearing Jew is to also read the entire commentary […]