Daily Chumash Thursday Ki Savo – The blessings and curses on Har Gerizim and Har Eival

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The blessings and curses on Har Gerizim and Har Eival:
  • The tribes on Har Gerizim for blessing: Moshe commanded the Jewish people that day saying: After passing the Yarden, on the side of blessing on Har Gerizim will stand Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Yissachar, Yosef and Binyamin.
  • The tribes on Har Eival for curses: On the side of curse on Har Eival will stand Reuvein, Gad, Asher, Zevulun, Dan, Naftali.
  • The Levites are to stand and proclaim to the Jewish people in a loud voice, the following:


  1. The curses:
  • Cursed is the man who makes idols. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who degrades his parents. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who moves back the boundary of his friend’s property. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who fools the blind. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who perverts the judgement of an orphan or widow in a court case. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his father’s wife. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with an animal. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his sister. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his mother in-law. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who discreetly hits his friend. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who takes money to kill the innocent. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who does not fulfil the Torah. The entire nation is to answer Amen.


  1. The blessings
    • If you listen and follow all of Hashem’s commands He will elevate you from amongst all the nations of the world and you will receive all the following blessings:
    • You will be blessed in the city and field.
    • Your children and animals and land will be blessed.
    • Your fruits and dry goods will be blessed.
    • You will be blessed when you enter and when you leave.

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Daily Chumash Thursday, 8th Shevat, Beshalach: The Mun

Post Views: 547 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Chamishi The Travels of Bnei Yisrael:

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