The Laws & Customs of Kerias Hatorah




The tradition of reading the Torah in Shul on its set days is one of the oldest and most well cherished customs amongst world Jewry. What many don’t know, are the myriads of detailed laws associated with this Holy Mitzvah and tradition. Whether it be in regard to the history of its initiation and its reason, or in regard to laws detailing its criteria of validation. Who is obligated in the Mitzvah? Must a woman hear Kerias Hatorah? What is the order of Pesicha, Hagbah, Gelila? What is the order of an Aliyah? Who may receive an Aliyah? Who may serve as a Baal Korei, and what are his associated laws? What is incumbent upon the congregation during the reading? Must they stand? What is to be done if mistakes occur during the reading? What is even defined as a mistake? What issues can come up during the reading that can pose an invalidating factor? What must a Gabaiy know in order to facilitate a proper Kerias Hatorah according to Jewish law? In this Sefer we tackle all the above issues and many more, all concisely explained and clarified within 18 chapters, that include a directive of practical Halacha, and encyclopedic Halachic background knowledge of the cases at hand. This Sefer is revolutionary, and is a must have for every Shul and Minyan in order to facilitate finding clear and proper Halachic guidance that will ensure that Kerias Hatorah in their Shul is performed properly and with its due honor and respect!

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