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Chapter 36: Mincha

Soon to be Published! Purchase a Dedication in the Sefer WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sponsor an Article Chapter 36: Mincha[1] The Mitzvah-Biblical or Rabbinical:[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim whether there is a Biblical obligation to pray daily, irrelevant of distress or needs, and the final ruling is that the […]

Chapter 28: Shemoneh Esrei Additions

Soon to be Published! Purchase a Dedication in the Sefer WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sponsor an Article Chapter 28: Shemoneh Esrei Additions[1] Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem:[2] Background: What is the request of Mashiv Haruach? The purpose of the prayer of Mashiv Haruach is not to request for rain. This request […]

Hitting or Spanking one’s children-Rules and Regulations

Hitting or Spanking one’s children-Part 1-The allowance and age:[1] Small children: It is permitted for one to hit his small children for disciplinary measures. This applies even to [non-biological] children that are part of one’s household, such as an [adopted] orphan [or foster child].[2] Adult children? It is forbidden for […]