Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter W

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter W Walking hazards: A. Overwalking:[1] [Achronim] Walking excessively is damaging to the body. B. Walking for a long period of time:[2] [Talmud/Achronim] One should not walk for a prolonged period of time, as doing so is difficult on the […]

Making hairdos and Styling Sheitels during nine days

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Making hairdo during nine days?   Question: May one style their hair […]

9. Kibbud Av Va’eim-Chapter 9: Rules for parents

Chapter 9: Rules for parents 1. Limits in what they can instruct their children-Not to overburden one’s child with demands and to be forgiving of one’s respect:[1] It is forbidden for a parent to overburden his children with demands and to be overparticular with their respect towards him, in order […]

Buying and wearing new clothing during the Nine Days

Buying and wearing new clothing: A. Buying clothing during the nine days:[1] It is forbidden to buy clothing during the nine days.[2] [This applies even to used clothing.[3]] This prohibition applies even against buying shoes [and undergarments, such as socks, undershirts and underwear[4]].[5] [This applies even if one does not […]