2. Haircuts during the Three Weeks

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email 2. Haircut:[1] One may not cut hair throughout the three weeks.[2] [From […]

When does the Three Weeks begin?

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email When do the three weeks begin; From the night of the 17th […]

Checklist of the the three weeks

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email The 17th of Tammuz- Checklist General laws: One must be especially careful […]


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