1. Sweeping on Shabbos:[1] A. Using brooms made of hard strands: Breakable strands:[2] It is forbidden to sweep on Shabbos using a broom made of twigs [or other hard strands] which easily break upon being used.[3] This applies to all types of floors, even tiled floors.[4] [Thus one may not […]
Forgiving a loan
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now May one forgive a loan without telling the borrower? A. Introduction: If one loaned someone money and has yet to be paid back, often the lender who sympathizes with the borrower’s predicament, desires to simply forgive him the loan. The […]
Yichud when husband is in the city
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Now Yichud laws for wife when husband is out of the house but in town Your husband is at work and you would like to call the handyman to fix your ever-breaking cabinets. A male cousin or an uncle of yours […]
Ikkur Vitafel: The Bracha on Ice cream in a cone; Cereal and milk and cheese cake
What blessing is to be recited over ice cream in a cone?[1] One is to recite a blessing of Mezonos over the cone and then Shehakol over the ice cream.[2] If however one does not taste the cone at all and is simply using it to hold the ice cream […]
What blessing is to be recited over a Tortilla wrap [i.e. Taco]?
This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Amazon.com What blessing is to be recited over a Tortilla wrap [i.e. Taco]? Corn/maize flour tortilla: If the Tortilla is made of corn/maize flour, and does not contain any of the five grain flours[1], then its blessing is Shehakol and requires […]
Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com 1. Havdala Motzei Shabbos Tishe Beav:[1] Havdala over wine is not recited on Motzei Shabbos, it is rather recited on Sunday night. [See below for the relevant laws of Havdala on Sunday night]. Meorei Haeish: One is to recite […]
Laundering clothing of children during the nine days
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Laundering clothing of children:[1] It is forbidden for adults to launder children’s clothing starting from the week of Tisha B’av.[2] [Some Poskim[3] rule this applies even according to the Ashkenazi custom. Other Poskim[4] however rule that according to the Ashkenazi […]
Opening the hood of a stroller on Shabbos
May one open or close the hood of a baby carriage on Shabbos? Background:[1] It is a Biblical prohibition to build or destroy a permanent tent, or hovering on Shabbos. Due to this, it is Rabbinically forbidden to build/open or take down or close any hovering on Shabbos, even temporary, […]
Removing stickers from vessels prior to immersion
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on amazon.com Must one remove stickers from the vessels? Introduction:[1] When immersing a vessel in a Mikveh one must remove all invalidating intervening items from the inside and outside of the vessel in order for the immersion to be […]
May one open or close the door of his fridge if the light was left active?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Purchase here or on Amazon.com May one open or close the door of a fridge if the light was left active? It is forbidden to open or close the door of the fridge if the fridge light was left active, and will […]