Painting nails during three weeks

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Question: [Wednesday, 18th Tamuz 5781]  May one paint their nails during the […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Dyeing hair during The Three Weeks; 2) Ironed clothing during nine days 3) Removing half eaten pickle from jar on Shabbos

Question: [Thursday, 28th Tammuz 5781] Am I allowed to dye my hair during the three weeks?   Answer: Yes. However, some avoid doing so from the start of the 9 days.   Explanation: There is no recorded restriction against dyeing hair throughout the three weeks, nonetheless some avoid doing so […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Manicure during the three weeks; 2) Getting ears pierced during the three weeks; 3) Giving end of year present to one’s teacher who is in mourning

Question: [Monday, 18th Tamuz 5781] May one get a manicure during the three weeks? Answer: It is permitted to do so up until the week of Tishe Beav, although some are stringent starting from the nine days.   Explanation: There is no listed restriction against getting a manicure or pedicure […]