The 17th of Tammuz- Checklist
General laws:
- One must be especially careful to avoid anger on a fast day
- The fast begins at Alos Hashachar, which is approximately two fluctuating hours prior to sunrise.
- Children are not to be given sweets and the like although one is not required to stop them from eating it if they are in the midst of doing so.]
- On a public fast day one does not rinse his mouth in the morning. If however this is causing one discomfort he may be lenient to rinse his mouth.
- One may brush ones teeth on a fast day if not doing so will cause one pain or discomfort it is allowed.
- One may use mouthwash if not doing so will cause pain and discomfort.
The Davening:
- The Chabad custom is to recite the Selichos within Tachanun, after Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis.
- Selichos is customarily recited while standing.
- The Chabad custom is to omit the saying of Ashamnu within Selichos when it is recited within the prayers of Shacharis.
- Selichos must be recited slowly and with concentration.
- It is forbidden to recite the thirteen attributes without proper concentration.
- The thirteen attributes are to be recited slowly and carefully.
- The thirteen attributes are to be recited aloud.
- The custom is to open the ark and stand for the saying of Shema Koleinu.
- Avinu Malkeinu is recited after Selichos, prior to “Veanachnu Lo Neida”.
- One continues straight to Veanachnu Lo Neida after Avinu Malkeinu and omits the short Avinu Malkeinu prayer normally recited prior to Veanachnu Lo Neida.
- One does not say Keil Erech Apayim unless it is a Monday or Thursday.
- The Torah portion of Vayichal is read during Shacharis.
- The prayer of Aneinu is added during Mincha Shemoneh Esrei of a fast day. It is recited within the blessing of Shomeia Tefila, prior to the words “Ki Ata Shomeia”.
- The Chazan recites Aneinu as a separate blessing between the blessings of Goal Yisrael and Rifaeinu. This applies during the Chazan’s repetition of both Shacharis and Mincha Shemoneh Esrei.
- Prior to Mincha one is to give Igara Ditaanisa to charity.
- The Torah portion of Vayichal is read during Mincha. This is followed by the reading of the Haftorah.
- After the reading of the Haftorah, Yehalelu is recited and the Torah is returned to the Aron. This is then followed by half Kaddish.
- During Shemoneh Esrei of Mincha Aneinu is recited, as stated in the previous Halacha.
- The Chazan recites Birchas Kohanim in his repetition of Shemoneh Esrei of Mincha. Those places which are not accustomed to do Birchas Kohanim recite Elokeinu during the Chazan’s repetition.
- Tachanun and Avinu Malkeinu are recited during Mincha of a fast day.
The Three weeks checklist
Customs that begin on the night of 17th Tammuz until the 9th of Av
- No weddings.
- No haircuts, no shaving, no trimming any body hair. May cut mustache hair that interferes with food.
- No music
- No dancing
- No Shehechiyanu
- No buying clothing with exception to underclothing. Some allow pants and shirts.
- No wearing new clothing with exception to underclothing. Some allow pants and shirts.
- No moving houses
- No hitting children
- Diminish trips
Customs that begin from Rosh Chodesh Av-9th Av:
- Begin customs from sunset of Rosh Chodesh
- Diminish in joy
- Diminish makeup
- No music even if for Parnasa
- No building for pleasure. May fix wall or build for Mitzvah
- No planting gardening
- No Showering unless for removing sweat.
- No eating wine and meat
- Child below Chinuch may eat wine and meat
- Give child Havdalah wine on Motzei Shabbos
- No laundry. Although may wash children’s clothing in private and only amount that needs.
- No ironing clothing
- May not buy any clothing even undergarments.
- May not wear any new clothing even undergarments.
- Delay court case with gentile
- No Kiddush Levana
- Push off surgery
Customs that begin on week of Tisha B’av:
- No cutting nails
The Tisha B’av Checklist
Customs of Erev Tisha B’av
- Limit learning subjects after midday
- Finish Chitas and Rambam before midday
Customs for Shabbos Tisha B’av:
- No Marital Relations
- Pirkeiy Avos, do whatever want
- Must finish eating by sunset
- After sunset, no washing or anointing
Mourning customs accustomed throughout the entire day of Tisha B’av:
- Fasting
- No Greeting others
- No Smoking if is not very addicted
- No Anointing
- No Learning Torah with exception to set studies which may be learned past midday.
- No Leather shoes
- No Marital relations
Mourning customs which apply only until midday:
- No Doing work
- No Smoking if is very addicted
- No Learning Set Torah studies
- No Sitting on a bench.
The order of Prayer on Tisha B’av:
- Maariv
- Baruch Hamavdil when falls on Motzei Shabbos. Only after remove shoes bring Kinus to Shul.
- Borei Meorei Haeish if falls on Motzei Shabbos. Look at hands as usual.
- Remove Paroches, covering of Amud of Chazan and Bima
- Diminish in light
- Shemoneh Esrei [with Atah Chonantanu if falls on Motzei Shabbos]
- Kaddish with Tiskabel
- Eicha sitting on floor with an interval
- Veata Kadosh
- Kaddish without Tiskabel
- Aleinu
- No saying Shavua Tov after Maariv
- Remove Shabbos clothes after Maariv if falls on Motzei Shabbos.
- Netilas Yadayim until knuckles
- No Sheasa Li Kol Tzarchi
- No Tallis and Tefillin
- No Kissing or holding Tzitzis by Baruch Sheamar, Shema
- Chazan says Aneinu in Chazara
- No Nesias Kapayim or Elokeinu
- No Tachanun
- Half Kaddish after Chazara
- Kerias Hatorah, half Kaddish then Haftorah
- Kinos
- Ashrei
- Uva Letziyon without Veani Zos Berisi
- Kaddish Shaleim without Tiskabel
- Aleinu
- Paroches is returned
- Igara Detanisa
- Tallis and Tefillin with Brachos; Shema all three Parshiyos with Kadeish and 6 Zechiros.
- Shir Shel Yom; Ein Kelokeinu
- Chitas [Rambam?]
- Karbanos
- Ashrei
- Half Kaddish
- Kerias Hatorah for fast day with Haftorah
- Yehalelu
- Half Kaddish
- Nacheim and Aneinu in Shemoneh Esrei
- Nesias Kapayim [wash hands until knuckles]
- Kaddish Shaleim with Tiskabel
Customs for Motzei Tisha B’av:
- Wash hands three times and rinse face [before Kiddush Levana]
- Switch shoes before Kiddush Levana.
- If falls on Motzei Shabbos-Sunday, Havdalah is recited without Haeish or Besamim.
- If falls on Motzei Shabbos-no eating meat or wine until sunrise of Monday.
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