Kavod Shabbos

Kavod Shabbos:
Wearing clean [and elegant] clothing was defined by the Sages as the requirement of the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[1] The following sub-categories fall under this Mitzvah:

  • Baking Challahs for Shabbos, as opposed to buying them from a bakery, is included in Kavod Shabbos and Yom Tov.[2] (Likewise even those which generally are lenient to eat Pas Akum bread are not to do eat it on Shabbos as this too is included in the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbos. Rather they are to eat from bread baked in their homes.[3])
  • Bathing: Bathing one’s body in hot water is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[4]
  • Removing cobwebs from walls and roofs is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[5]
  • Cutting ones hair and nails on Erev Shabbos is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[6]
  • Not to eat a meal on Erev Shabbos past the 10th hour, in order to be able to eat the Shabbos meal with an appetite, is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[7]
  • Setting the Shabbos table on Erev Shabbos for the Friday night meal is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[8]
  • Preparing on Erev Shabbos all the matters of one’s house that require preparation for Shabbos so that when one arrives from Shul it is already all arranged.[9]
  • Having a tablecloth cover ones table throughout the entire day of Shabbos is included within the Mitzvah of honoring Shabbos.[10]
  • Preparing Melaveh Malka after Shabbos is done in honor of Shabbos.[11]



Why is no blessing said over the fulfillment of the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbos?

Various answers have been given towards this question:

  • As there is no specific food that one is required to eat in order to enjoy Shabbos.[12]
  • It is included in the blessing said over the lighting of candles.[13]
  • It is included in the blessing said over Kiddush.[14]
  • No blessing is said over the eating of the three Shabbos meals as we never say a blessing over a Mitzvah which is not fulfilled in one timeframe.[15]


[1] 242/1; 262/3

[2] 242/12

[3] 242/13; For the innovation of this ruling and as for why it was placed in parentheses-see Chikreiy Halachos 3 p. 30

[4] 260/1

[5] 262/2

[6] 260/1; 529/2 that this is included in the honor of Yom Tov

[7] 529/2 regarding Yom Tov that it is included in the honor of Yom Tov.

[8] 262/1

[9] 262/1

[10] 262/1

Rambam [30/2 ] mentions that wearing Tzitzis on Erev Shabbos and waiting for the coming of Shabbos is included in honoring Shabbos,

[11] 300/1

[12] Toras Shabbos 263/7

[13] Toras Shabbos 263/7

[14] Keren Ledavid 61

[15] Sdei Chemed Asifas Dinim Brachos 1/16


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