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Chapter 15: Avshalom rebels against Dovid
1. Avshalom becomes a self-appointed judge and acts like a king:
- Avshalom begins acting like a king: After the above event, Avshalom made for himself a chariot with horses and 50 men would run in front of him.
- Avshalom begins to judge the nation: Avshalom rose up and stood by the road that leads to the entrance gate to the city, and he would greet every person who would pass by that road on his way to have an audience with the king for the sake of having the king pass judgment regarding a civil claim. Avshalom would summon the individual and ask him as to which city he is from, and the person would tell him “your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel.” Avshalom would then say to him, “Look, I see your claim is very good and solid, however be aware that your claim will not receive the proper attention by the king.” Avshalom then proclaimed that he should be appointed a judge within the land and that every person who has a claim should come to him and receive justice. And so it was, that when people would come to him [for judgment] they would bow to him and Avshalom would then stretch his hand to take hold of him and he would kiss him. Avshalom began performing this amongst all the Jewish people who came to the king for judgment, and so it was that Avshalom stole the heart of Israel.
2. Avshalom openly rebels against the king and attempts to overthrow the monarchy:
- Avshalom travels to Chevron: At the end of the 40-year period [from when the Jewish people asked Shmuel for a King to be appointed[1]], Avshalom turned to the king and asked him, “Let me go to Chevron, and I will pay my dues of the vow that I made to G-d, as while your servant was living in the city of Geshur in Aram, I made a vow stating that if G-d returned me to Jerusalem then I will serve G-d [and bring him sacrifices, as the city of Chevron has the choicest sheep to bring for sacrifices[2]].” The king said to him, “go in peace.” And so it was that he got up and he traveled to Chevron.
- Avshalom sends spies to prepare the land for a revolt: Avshalom sent spies amongst all the tribes of Israel saying, “When you hear the sound of the shofar, that is a sign that Avshalom has become king in Chevron.” Together with Avshalom traveled 200 men who were invited from Jerusalem [under the distorted orders of the king[3]] and they would go innocently together with Avshalom as they were unaware of anything going on.
- Achitofal, the advisor of Dovid, collaborates with Avshalom: At the time that the slaughtering of the animals was taking place, Avshalom sent for Achitofal the Golanite, the advisor of Dovid, to be brought from his city of Megillah [as part of his planned rebellion against his father Dovid].
- The rebellion intensifies: The rebellion grew very strong and the people who followed Avshalom grew from day to day to an enormous number.
[1] Rashi 15:7
[2] Rashi 15:7; Sotah 34b
[3] See Rashi 15:12
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