The five prayers on Yom Kippur are in correspondence to five levels of Neshama:[1]
There is a total of five Shemoneh Esrei prayers on Yom Kippur; Maariv, Shacharis, Musaf, Mincha, Neilah. These five prayers correspond to the five levels of the soul. The prayer of Maariv corresponds to the level of Nefesh of the soul. The prayer of Shacharis corresponds to the level of Ruach of the soul. The prayer of Musaf corresponds to the level of Neshama of the soul. The prayer of Mincha corresponds to the level of Chaya of the soul. The prayer of Neilah, corresponds to the level of Yechidah of the soul.
[1] Mamar Shuva Yisrael 5737, printed in Melukat 4 p. 17
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