Daily Tanya 10th Adar 2: Middle of Chapter 36-The revelation of G-d in this world was already experienced in the times of the giving of the Torah

Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate (LY) 10th Adar 2 The above revelation of G-d in this world was already experienced in the times of the giving of the Torah: Seeing G-d: A similar revelation […]

Daily Tanya 9th Adar 2: Middle of Chapter 36-The purpose of the Torah is to enable physical creation to receive G-d’s infinite light

Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate (LY) 9th Adar 2 The purpose of the Torah is to enable physical creation to receive G-d’s infinite light: It is for this purpose that G-d gave the Jewish […]

Daily Tanya 8th Adar 2: Middle of Chapter 36-The purpose of the descent in revelation of G-d’s light is for our physical world

Buy Now-The Daily Tanya Summary Vol. 2 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate (LY) 8th Adar 2 The purpose of the descent in revelation of G-d’s light is for our physical world: The purpose cannot be for the higher worlds: The purpose […]