0. Introduction to Crushing and Grinding

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here The laws of Crushing, grinding, mashing, and cutting Introduction: The following section will deal with the laws of grinding on Shabbos. Different foods have different laws regarding if and how they may be grinded.   The Av Melacha: Grinding […]

How to read

How is it to be read? One is to read each verse twice and then immediately read the Targum on that verse prior to continuing on to the next verse. This order is followed throughout the entire reading.[1] Nevertheless, from the letter of the law one may read the verses […]

When to read

When is one obligated to read Shnayim Mikra? A. The custom: The custom is to read the entire Shnayim Mikra Echad Targum after midday on Erev Shabbos.[1] [see footnote] B. The letter of the law:[2] The earliest possible to time it is allowed to be read: One is obligated to […]

What to read

What is one obligated to read?[1] One is obligated to read all the pesukim[2] in the Parsha two times and to read the entire Targum Unkulus of that Parsha. [see footnote regarding reading other commentaries instead of Targum[3]] Likewise every G-d fearing Jew is to also read the entire commentary […]

The reward and Sparks of kabala

The Reward for reading Shnayim Mikra:[1] All those which fulfill the Mitzvah of reading Shnayim Mikra by its proper time are given long days and years.   Sparks of Kabala[2] Reading Shnayim Mikra merits a person to draw down a spirit of purity and receive the extra soul [which is […]

Learning and other activities

Learning and doing other activities on Erev Shabbos:[1] One is to slightly diminish the amount of his learning on Erev Shabbos. It goes without saying that one is to diminish from doing other activities.[2] Yeshiva on Erev Shabbos: [Due to the above requirement to diminish in ones learning on Erev […]

Forms of work

The forms of work that are forbidden to be done past Mincha:[1] The Sages only forbade one to do forms of work which fulfill all the following conditions: Melacha Gemura: The work is a complete form of work. [Meaning that it involves laborious activity, as opposed to a job which […]

Mincha on Erev Shabbos

Saying Hodu:[1] It is a custom established from the Ball Shem Tov to recite psalm 107 prior to the Mincha prayer.[2] Hodu is omitted prior to Mincha Erev Shabbos which is also Yom Tov or Chol Hamoed.[3] [Some communities are accustomed to recite Hodu together with a Minyan.[4] This is […]