What is a Zabla?

Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Donate What is a Zabla?[1] A Zabla stands for the words “Zeh Borer Lo Echad/Each one chooses one.” A Zabla […]

Yichud by the sick or old

Do the laws of Yichud apply to a sick or old man?[1] Does not suffer from erectile dysfunction:[2] If the sick or old man does not suffer from erectile dysfunction, then all the laws of Yichud apply, irrelevant of his age or illness. Accordingly, when this man has a caretaker […]

Castration & Sterilization to humans and animals

Castration & Sterilization to humans and animals: The prohibition:[1] Male humans/animals: It is [Biblically] forbidden to destroy [i.e. castrate] the reproductive organs of any male creature, whether human, animal, bird [or even fish[2]].[3] This prohibition applies whether the species is Kosher or impure. This prohibition applies whether in Israel or […]

Davar Charif-Biblical or Rabbinical

Is the concept of a Davar Charif a Biblical or Rabbinical concept?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that the concept of a Davar Charif is Biblical, and hence when cooking a Davar Charif in a non-Ben Yomo meat pot the food is Biblically considered to have meat taste.[3] Accordingly, in a case […]

Animals will experience world to come

Animals will experience world to come:[1] Animals will still be round in the future, in the times of Moshiach and period of Olam Haba when the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of G-d. These animals will not be regular animals but will have intellectual capability and will […]