When is Rosh Chodesh?

When is Rosh Chodesh?[1] Rosh Chodesh is determined based on when the new orbit of the moon begins and when the new moon can be seen. This itself can be determined in one of two ways: a) Calculating the Molad and calculating as to when the moon can be seen, […]

Understanding the moon’s cycle

Understanding the moon’s cycle: A. The moons orbit and its dark/light periods: We all witness throughout the month the cycle of the moon going from being invisible [i.e. New Moon] to being a full moon and then once again to being invisible [i.e. New Moon]. What causes this change to […]

Until when can Asher Yatzar be recited

What is the law if one forgot to recite Asher Yatzar and went to the bathroom a second time?[1] One who relieved himself, and forgot to recite Asher Yatzar and then went to the bathroom a second time, is not required to recite Asher Yatzar twice after the second time. […]


1.       Property of the Levites: The houses of the Levites foiund within their cities may always be redeemed at anytime and return to the owner by Yovel. 2.       Charity: One must give charity to a person who is in need.  3.       Ribis: One may not lend money to Jew with […]

Parshas Behar-Summary of the Parsha

Parshas Behar Pesukim: 57 [Siman: חטיל] Haftorah: Yermiyahu 32:6-22[1]   Number of Mitzvos: There are a total of 24 Mitzvos in Parshas Behar; 7 positive commands and 17 negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological order found in the Parsha.   A. Positive: 1. Mitzvah 330; Positive […]

Parshas Bechukosai-Summary of the Parsha

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer    Buy now on Amazon.com Parshas Bechukosai Pesukim: 78 [Siman: עזא] Haftorah: Yermiyahu 16:19-17:14 Number of Mitzvos: There are a total of 12 Mitzvos in Parshas Bechukosai; 7 positive commands and 5 negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological […]