The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose

Parshas Naso   The Mitzvah of Teshuvah and its purpose  [Likkutei Sichos Vol. 37 p. 18] Parshas Naso discusses a number of Mitzvos, some of which are repetitious, having been already discussed in previous Parshiyos. One of these Mitzvos is the command associated with one who sinned against his fellow, […]

Checklist & Summary of Halachos for Shavuos

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on     Shavuos Checklist:   The days preceding Shavuos: Valuing time: The Rebbe notes of the Rebbe Rayatz that the period of time during the days preceding Shavuos were utterly precious to him and were hence used wisely. Shabbos Mivarchim […]

Bringing small children to Shul

Bringing small children to Shul: [It is a Mitzvah and obligation upon a parent to educate his child to go to Shul and participate in a Minyan, once they have reached the age of Chinuch.[1]] One is to teach his young[2] children and educate them to answer Amen. From the […]

Kissing a child, relative, or friend in a Shul

Kissing in a Shul:[1] One is not to kiss his small children in Shul.[2] [This implies that it is however permitted to kiss older children, and other people, in Shul.[3] However, some Poskim[4] rule that in truth this applies to children of any age, and not specifically small children. Furthermore, […]