Davening and saying Shema with Tefillin

Davening and saying Shema with Tefillin: The Mitzvah:[1] One is obligated to wear Tefillin when he recites Shema and Shemoneh Esrei.[2] Thus, after[3] wearing the Tallis Gadol [prior to Shacharis] one is to wear the Tefillin.[4] [It ends up that one wears the Tefillin throughout the entire Shacharis prayer, due […]

One who takes from charity unjustifiably

One who takes from charity unjustifiably:[1] Anyone who is [financially stable and] does not need to take from charity and fools others to thinking that he is poor and thus takes charity from them, then he will not die without becoming poor, and needing the charity.   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [1] Michaber […]

Avoiding and refusing acceptance of charity

Avoiding and refusing charity: One who takes from charity unjustifiably:[1] Anyone who is [financially stable and] does not need to take from charity and fools others to thinking that he is poor and thus takes charity from them, then he will not die without becoming poor, and needing the charity. […]

Accepting presents

Accepting presents:[1] It is a Midas Chassidus [i.e. act of piety] for one not to accept presents, and rather to trust in Hashem that He will give one that which he lacks.[2] [Seemingly, however, if this will lead to the person getting offended that his present was denied, or if […]

The 39 Melachos

The 39 Melachos: Associated with food Charisha/Plowing Chofer/Digging Zeria/Planting Grafting Ketzira/harvest Picking off any food from its source of the ground Imur/Gathering of stalks Dush/Threshing Mifareik Zriyah/Winnowing Borer/Separating Curdling milk Techina/Grinding Cutting foods small Harkada/Sifting Lisha/Kneading Afiyah/baking Associated with clothes Geziza/shearing Libun/Whitening Niputz/Carding Tzevia/dyeing Teviyah/Weaving Asiyas Hanirin/Preparing the weaving board […]

The sin of Dovid and Batsheva

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Supplement on the sin of Dovid & Batsheva   Introduction: Without doubt, the story of Dovid Hamelech and Batsheva is one of the most intriguing, gossipy, and captivating stories mentioned in Tanach. It leaves the reader both baffled and shocked […]