Building the Sukkah on Motzei Yom Kippur

Building the Sukkah on Motzei Yom Kippur: Motzei Yom Kippur:[1] On Motzei Yom Kippur one begins building the Sukkah, [or at least talking about building it[2]], in order to leave one Mitzvah and enter to another Mitzvah. To build the Sukkah the day after Yom Kippur:[3] It is a Mitzvah […]

May a gentile build the Sukkah

May a gentile build the Sukkah? Walls: A gentile may help build the walls of the Sukkah.[1]  However some[2] write a gentile should not build even the walls of the Sukkah. Sechach: A gentile is not initially to place the Sechach on the Sukkah.[3]  If he already did so, the […]

Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter M

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter M Machlokes:[1] [Kabbalah/Achronim] One who continues a conflict is placed in excommunication.[2] A home that contains Machlokes, hosts the Satan in their home.[3] Such a home will eventually become destroyed.[4] Machlokes brings one to poverty and other suffering to […]

Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter L

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter L Ladders-An unstable ladder:[1] [Shulchan Aruch/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Achronim] It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden for one to allow an unstable ladder to remain in one’s house and yard [due to the potential danger that it poses to one who may unknowingly […]

Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter H

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter H Hair: A. Combing dry hair:[1] [Talmud/Shulchan Aruch Harav/Achronim] One who combs his head [while] dry enters blindness to his eyesight. B. Getting a haircut from a Gentile:[2] [Shulchan Aruch/Kabbalah/Achronim] One is not to get a haircut from a […]

Halachic Hazards Encyclopedia Letter G

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer  Buy here on Amazon Letter G G-d’s Name: [Achronim] A. Picturing the name of Hashem in one’s mind:[1] It is written in the name of the Arizal that one should accustom himself to vision the letters of the name of Hashem [Yud Kei Vav […]