Daled Minim-A Mitzvah of Unity

Daled Minim-A Mitzvah of Unity: The Mitzvah of Daled Minim represent unity in many factors: Makes unity amongst the Sefiros of Atzilus:[1] In general the mitzvah of the four species represents unity of the Jewish people, which is apparent in each of the four species as will be explained later […]

The unity of the Esrog

The unity of the Esrog: The unity within the Esrog:[1] The Esrog contains a certain aspect of unity which differs from all other fruits in the world. All fruits have a season of growth during the year, while the Esrog remains on the tree for the entire year, throughout all […]

The unity of the Hadass

The unity of the Hadass: The unity within the Hadass:[1] The Hadass is only valid if it contains a majority of three leave sets that grow on the same line. This is unlike other leaves of a branch, in which the leaves grow in a scattered method, along the branch. […]

The Meaning of the Arava

The Meaning of the Arava: The unity within the Arava:[1] The Arava is a big bushy tree that has its branches and leaves grow very close to each other. This represents brotherhood and was thus chosen for the Mitzvah of unity. The representation of the Arava within Jewry: The Midrash[2] […]

Is everyone to have their own Sukkah

Is everyone to have their own Sukkah?[1] From the letter of the law, there is no obligation for one to build his own Sukkah, if he has a neighbors Sukkah or publicly shared Sukkah available, in which he can dwell in throughout the duration of Sukkos. Nonetheless, if feasible, it […]

Saying a blessing upon building a Sukkah

Saying a blessing upon building a Sukkah:[1] One who builds a Sukkah does not recite a blessing upon building it. Meaning that a blessing of “Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav Vetzivanu Lasos Sukkah” is not recited, even though it is commonly recited upon the fulfillment of other Mitzvos.[2] This applies whether one […]

The blessing of Shehechiyanu said on the Sukkah

The blessing of Shehechiyanu said on the Sukkah:[1] Although from the letter of the law, the blessing of Shehechiyanu should be recited when building one’s Sukkah [if it is being built within 30 days of Sukkos[2]][3], practically, it is not recited during the building of the Sukkah but rather during […]