Should one personally build the Sukkah versus having someone else do so for him

Should one personally build the Sukkah versus having someone else do so for him?[1]

It is proper for one to personally place the Sechach onto the Sukkah [and help build the walls[2]] rather than have another person do so for him.[3] If for whatever reason a person cannot personally put up the Sechach, then he is to try to at least put some of it up, and then have an emissary do the remainder.[4] Some are particular to personally put up at least a 7×7 area of Sechach onto the Sukkah.[5] [The Rabbeim were not particular to personally build their Sukkah[6], although it is recalled that the Rebbe was particular to always place some Sechach onto his Sukkah. It is told that Reb Hillel Paritcher was particular to help build the walls of the Sukkah. The Noam Elimelech[7] explains that one is to personally toil to build the Sukkah in order to sanctify his limbs.]


[1] Kaf Hachaim 625:11; Kitzur SHU”A 134:1; Alef Lamagen 624:15; Emek Sheila on Sheilasos Mitzvah 169; Piskeiy Teshuvos 625:3; see Likkutei Sichos 20 p. 267 that the Rebbe learns for the below mentioned reason that each family should build their own Sukkah

[2] Kitzur ibid

[3] The reason: As it is a greater Mitzvah for one to personally do the Mitzvah than to do so through a messenger. [Kaf Hachaim 625:11]

[4] Kaf Hachaim ibid

[5] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid

[6] Hamelech Bemisibo 2:53

[7] Parshas Kedoshim

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