What is the law if one accidently Davened the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis/Mincha instead of Musaf?

What is the law if one accidently Davened the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis/Mincha instead of Musaf?

If one intended to Daven Musaf and accidently Davened the Shemoneh Esrei of Mincha, he fulfills his obligation of Mincha and is to Daven Musaf afterwards.[1] Thus, if one accidently Davened the regular Yom Tov Shemoneh Esrei on the afternoon of Yom Tov, instead of Musaf, he fulfills his obligation of Mincha with that Shemoneh Esrei, and is to Daven Musaf afterwards. The same applies if on Shabbos afternoon one accidently Davened the Shacharis or Mincha Shemoneh Esrei instead of Musaf, he fulfills his obligation of Mincha with that Shemoneh Esrei, and is to Daven Musaf afterwards.[2]


[1] See Admur 286:5 that one could [and at times must] Daven Mincha before Musaf; See Admur 268:11 that one does not fulfill the obligation of Musaf with other prayers; See Shaareiy Teshvah 422:3 who implies that one does not have to have in mind during the Prayer that it is counting for that prayer, and hence since one said the Nussach of Mincha he is Yotzei Mincha even if he did not intend to do so; See also Betzeil Hachochmah 5:22; Piskeiy Teshuvos 233:5

[2] See Admur 268:10 that if one Davened the Shacharis Nussach instead of Mincha, he nevertheless still fulfills his obligation of Mincha

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