Chizkiyah the king of Yehuda becomes critically ill and miraculously survives

  1. Chizkiyah becomes critically ill and miraculously survives
  • Chizkiyah becomes critically ill and is told of his upcoming death: In those days [three days prior to the annihilation of the Army of Sancheirev[1]] Chizkiyah became critically ill. Yeshayahu the son of Amotz the prophet came to visit Chizkiyah and told him that Hashem has said that he should give his last testament to his family being that he will not survive this illness and he will die [in both this world and the next world as a punishment for him not getting married and not having children[2]].
  • Chizkiyah prays to God to save him: Chizkiyah turned his face toward the wall and prayed to Hashem, saying, “Please, Hashem, remember now how I did what was righteous in Your eyes and followed you with truth and purity [so please grant me life and do not let me die].” Chizkiyah then wept profusely.
  • Yeshayahu receives a second prophecy and tells Chizkiyah that he will live: Prior to Yeshayahu leaving the inner court of the palace, Hashem revealed himself once again to Yeshayahu and told him to return and tell Chizkiyah that he has heard his prayer and seen his tears and He has decided to heal him. “On the third day you will be recovered enough that you shall go up to the Temple. I will add another fifteen years to your life and I will save you and the city of Jerusalem from the hand of the king of Ashur, for My sake and for the sake of My servant David.”
  • Yeshayahu heals Chizkiyah with figs: Yeshayahu instructed for a cake of fresh pressed figs to be brought and placed on the boil of Chizkiyah, and this was done, and he was healed. [This was considered a double miracle being that figs do not have healing powers and on the contrary, they actually cause them damage.[3]]
  • Chizkiyah asks for a sign that he will be healed: Chizkiyah then asked Yeshayahu, to give him a sign that God will heal him and that he will be able to go to the temple on the third day. Yeshayahu then told him that the sign from God is that the shade [of the sundial[4]] will move up or down 10 steps. Chizkiyah then replied that it is easy for the shade to advance ten steps and so he rather requests the sign that the shade return ten steps. The prophet Yeshayahu then called to Hashem and requested from Him to make the above sign and so Hashem brought the shade back ten steps.

[1] Rashi 20:1

[2] Rashi 20:1

[3] Rashi 20:7

[4] See Rashi 20:9

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