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7. Desecrating Shabbos for a woman who is after birth:
A. First three days after birth: [1]
Throughout the entire first three days after birth the Yoledes is considered like a definite dangerously ill person.
The reason for this is because: her limbs are loose and she is physically crushed.
The allowance to desecrate Shabbos without an experts orders: Therefore one is to desecrate Shabbos on her behalf even if she claims that it is unnecessary but her comrades claim that she needs it. Even if there is no midwife or doctor amongst them one is to do for her all her needs, as the matters that are done for a Yoledes during the week are well known to all. Even if she eats the foods of other [healthy] people [and thus it appears that she is healthy] we say that [this is because] she temporarily does not feel [her ill state], but [in truth] if she were to eat cold foods or other foods that a dangerously ill person refrains from eating, she would fall in danger.
Not to desecrate Shabbos if medical experts say it’s unnecessary: However if a midwife or a doctor say that there is no need to desecrate Shabbos, [the comrades] are to listen to them.
The reason for this is: because there are many Yoldos which do not have hot food made for them daily, and so is the custom today in some places that they eat on Shabbos the foods heated from the day before.
B. After 3 days but before 7 days after birth:[2]
From [after] three [days after birth] until the end of the seventh [day], if she says “I do not need [Shabbos desecrated] “ then it is not to be desecrated even if her comrades claim that she does need [it done].
The reason for this is: because she is no longer considered endangered with regards to those matters which her comrades commonly do for her during the week, and it is [thus] possible for her to wait until the night [after Shabbos to have those things done].
If a midwife or doctor say she needs an action done: The above is with exception to if a midwife or doctor say that she needs [Shabbos desecrated for her], in which case Shabbos is likewise desecrated for other ill patients, as was written in chapter 328 [Halacha 10].
If the Yoledes does not voice an opinion: All the above is when she claims that she does not need Shabbos desecrated, however ordinarily when she does not voice an opinion and her comrades do not know [if she needs it done or not], then Shabbos is desecrated [for her]. However if her comrades say that she does not need [Shabbos desecrated], then it is not to be desecrated.
If the Yoledes claims she needs Shabbos desecrated: However the above is with exception to if she says “I do need [Shabbos desecrated] “, in which case even if 100 doctors say she does not need Shabbos desecrated, [nevertheless] it is to be desecrated.
The reason for why she is believed over the doctors is: because one’s own heart knows the bitterness of his soul, and as will be explained in chapter 618 [Halacha 1] regarding other ill patients.
C. From after seven days:[3]
From the end of seven days and onwards, even if she says she needs [Shabbos desecrated], it is not to be desecrated for her behalf. Rather she is considered until thirty days like a non-dangerously ill person, of which all their needs may be done by a gentile, with exception to the matter of a heater of which if she needs it, it is to be done by a Jew being that feeling cold is a danger for her for the entire duration of the thirty days, and even in the time of Tamuz.
Regarding if others are allowed to warm up opposite this bonfire [which was heated for her] was explained in Chapter 276 [Halacha 13].
D. How to calculate the 7 days:[4]
These [above mentioned] days are not counted through 24 hours [per day], but rather if she gave birth on Wednesday close to night, then when the entrance of night of Shabbos arrives, it is already the fourth day from her birth, even though she had not completed three 24 hour days until close to the night of Shabbos.
The same applies for [calculating] the seven days and thirty days.
Summary-Desecrating Shabbos for a woman which is after birth:
A. First three days after birth: [5]
Throughout the entire first three days after birth the Yoledes is considered like a definite dangerously ill person. Therefore one is to desecrate Shabbos on her behalf even if she claims that it is unnecessary but her comrades claim that she needs it. Even if there is no midwife or doctor amongst them one is to do for her all her needs,
Not to desecrate Shabbos if medical experts say it’s unnecessary: However if a midwife or a doctor say that there is no need to desecrate Shabbos, [the comrades] are to listen to them.
B. After 3 days but before 7 days after birth:[6]
From after three days after birth until the end of the seventh day, if she says “I does not need [Shabbos desecrated] “ then it is not to be desecrated even if her comrades claim that she does need [it done].
If a midwife or doctor say she needs an action done: If a midwife or doctor say that she needs Shabbos desecrated for her then Shabbos is to be desecrated.
If the Yoledes does not voice an opinion: When she does not voice an opinion and her comrades do not know [if she needs it done or not], then Shabbos is desecrated [for her]. However if her comrades say that she does not need [Shabbos desecrated], then it is not to be desecrated.
If the Yoledes claims she needs Shabbos desecrated: If she says “I do need [Shabbos desecrated] “, then even if 100 doctors say she does not need Shabbos desecrated, [nevertheless] it is to be desecrated.
C. From after seven days:[7]
From the end of seven days and onwards, even if she says she needs [Shabbos desecrated], it is not to be desecrated for her behalf. Rather she is considered until thirty days like a non-dangerously ill person, of which all their needs may be done by a gentile. This is with exception to igniting a heater that if she needs it, it is to be done by a Jew being that feeling cold is a danger for her for the entire duration of the thirty days, and even in the time of Tamuz.
D. How to calculate the 7 days:[8]
The above mentioned days are not counted through 24 hours [per day]. Thus if she gave birth on Wednesday close to night, then when the entrance of night of Shabbos arrives, it is already the fourth day from her birth, even though she had not completed three 24 hour days until close to the night of Shabbos. The same applies for [calculating] the seven days and thirty days.
If a woman had a miscarriage does she have the same status as a Yoledes in the above laws? [9]
Yes[10], so long as the fetus was 40 days into the pregnancy.
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