10. Pidyon Haben on Fast of Gedalia

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10. Pidyon Haben on Fast of Gedalia:[1]

If a Pidyon Haben is set to take place on a fast day the father and Kohen must nevertheless fast until night as usual, and the meal is to take place at night, after the fast.

Taanis Nidche: In the event that the fast fell on Shabbos and was hence pushed off to Sunday, then if a Pidyon Haben is taking place on Sunday, the father and Kohen is not required to fast until night. Rather after midday he is to Daven Mincha early and he may then eat.[2] Nevertheless the meal is to take place only after the fast.[3]

If the Pidyon Haben is taking place after the 31st day on a Taanis Nidche may the Baal Bris still eat after Mincha?[4]




[1] M”B 559:38; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 559:10

[2] As ruled regarding a Bris.

[3] M”B ibid

[4] M”B 559:38

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