Purim day

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com Waking up early: [1] One is to wake up early on Purim morning to go to Shul.   Eating prior to Shacharis: It is forbidden to eat prior to hearing the Megillah reading during the day, just like it is […]

Purim night

 This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com Purim Night: A. Maariv on Purim night: Al Hanissim: In Maariv Shemoneh Esrei we add Al Hanissim. [See previous Halacha for the full details!] Kaddish after Shemoneh Esrei[1] After the Amidah, prior to the reading of the Megillah, a complete […]

Al Hanissim

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com Al Hanissim [1] A. When is it recited? One is to recite Al Hanissim both by the night and day of the 14th.[2] It is recited in Birchas Hamazon[3], within the blessing of Birchas Haaretz, and in Shemoneh Esrei within the […]

Playful stealing

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com Acts of playful stealing: [1] Those that are accustomed to snatch [foods] from each other out of playfulness and good humor, resultant of the Purim spirit, are not considered to transgress the prohibition of stealing, and so is the custom. […]

Purim attire

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com What attire is to be worn on Purim? A. Wearing Shabbos clothing:[1] One should wear Shabbos clothing throughout the day of Purim [starting from the previous night[2]].  Maaseh Shehaya Importance of wearing Shabbos clothing on Purim:[3] The Tzaddik of Zichlin, Reb […]

Purim Meshulash

Purim Meshulash-When the 15th falls on Shabbos:[1] *The laws below are relevant for Jerusalem residents only! See the Q&A section as well as “From the Rav’s Desk” for further details relevant to the rest of the world by Purim Meshulash, including those relevant to Safek cities. Introduction: When the 15th […]

Traveling to and from Jerusalem

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com One who lives in a city celebrating on the 14th that traveled to a city celebrating on the 15th [Jerusalem], or vice versa: [1] Introduction Regarding the date of the Purim celebration a case that one travels to a city […]

Walled, Unwalled, and cities of doubt

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com The date of Purim in walled and un-walled cities and cities of doubt: [1] Introduction: The Sages, upon decreeing the annual celebration of Purim, differentiated the celebration dates between walled and un-walled cities. The reason for this is because the […]

Fasting and Tachanun

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on Amazon.com Fasting and Hesped on the days before and after Purim: Fasting: [1] It is allowed to fast before and after the days of Purim. Hesped:[2] It is permitted to give a eulogy on the days before and after Purim. [However it […]