Mercy to the irresponsible

Mercy to the irresponsible: Chazal[1] state that one who does not have “Deiah/Comprehension” it is forbidden to have mercy on him, as the verse[2] states “Ki Lo am Ninos Hu, Al Kein Lo Yerachchamenu Oseihu.” This verse means to say that Hashem will not have mercy on Bnei Yisrael if […]

Flour: Checking for insects

 Checking flour for insetcs: A. Flour insects: Worms and other insects that are found in flour are forbidden to be eaten.[1] This applies even if the flour was kept in a vessel.[2] This applies irrelevant of the size of the insect [so long as they can be seen by the […]

Wearing gloves during Davening

Wearing gloves:[1] One may not wear gloves while Davening [Shemoneh Esrei] as is done by travelers.[2] [If however, one is cold some Poskim[3] rule he may wear gloves to protect him from the cold. Other Poskim[4] however rule it is forbidden to wear gloves even in such a case, and […]

Washing for less than a Kebeitza of bread

Washing and Al Netilas Yadayim on less than a Kebeitza of bread:[1] If one will not be consuming a shiur Kibeitza without its shell[2] [53.8 grams[3]] of bread within two times Kdei Acilas Peras [i.e. within 8 minutes[4]], each Kezayis within Kdei Achilas Peras[5] [i.e. 4 minutes[6]], then one is […]