Using and practicing Non-conventional medicine-Part 1-Introduction & Talmudic examples

Using and practicing Non-conventional medicine-Part 1-Introduction & Talmudic examples: Introduction: There are various forms of non-conventional medicine or treatments available today.[1] Some people come to the use of alternative medicine out of despair of lack of solutions from medical science for their ailments, or due to a disregard of medical […]

Baked meat and dairy in the same oven simultaneously

Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Donate Question: [Monday, 13th Iyar 5781] I accidentally baked dairy cheese Borakes [thinking they were Pareve potato filled] in my […]