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Checking the Tefillin and Mezuzos:[1] Checking the Tefillin and Mezuzos to verify that they are 100% Kosher is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Charity:[2] Distributing charity is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children. Charity should be distributed by the wife prior to prayer on every Monday and Thursday, and prior to candle lighting on every Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov. It should be distributed to an institution in the field of Torah education.
Studying and spreading Chassidus:[3] Learning Toras Hachassidus and spreading its teachings is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children. One should not pass three days without learning Chassidus.
Spreading Judaism:[4] Spreading Judaism and strengthening its observance is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Working in Torah education: Working in the field of Torah education is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Teaching Torah to others:[5] Teaching Torah to other people is a great Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Being involved in love of a fellow Jew:[6] Being involved in activities that express love for a fellow Jew is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Hachanasas Orchim:[7] Fulfilling the Mitzvah of Hachanasas Orchim by feeding guests and the poor, is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Becoming expert in a Misechta of Shas:[8] If one is not a Kohen and is married to the daughter of a Kohen then it is proper for him to become an expert in at least one tractate of Shas. It suffices to be well versed even in a small Misechta, such as Miseches Kallah. Doing so is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
To move to Israel:[9] Making Aliyah to the land of Israel is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Not to express regret of the pregnancy:[10] If the husband or wife expresses strong regret about the pregnancy after she already became pregnant, this can G-d forbid cause a miscarriage. Accordingly, one is not to express regret of the pregnancy.
Avoiding making an oath and swear:[11] One who is having difficulty having children should especially be careful not to take an oath or swear even about a truthful matter. Certainly, they should not swear by the life of someone.
Make a Shidduch:[12] Being involved in the making of a Shidduch for a couple is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
Forgiveness from past Shidduch:[13] A couple who is having difficulty in getting pregnant and having children should contemplate if during Shidduchim the husband or wife offended someone in a way that requires them to ask for their forgiveness, and if so then they should ask for their forgiveness whether in front of them or not in front of them.
Segula to prevent miscarriage-Not publicizing the pregnancy:[14] A woman who has a history of miscarriage should be especially careful not to publicize her pregnancy until the fifth month with exception to close relatives.
Segula to prevent miscarriage-Avoid heavy items and overexertion:[15] Certainly, a woman who has a history of miscarriages should avoid lifting heavy items, and overexerting herself with extra strenuous activity.
A further list of Segulos recorded in other rare Sefarim [not mentioned by the Rebbe or classic sources]:[16]
*Some of the below Segulos are not recommended to be performed without consultation with a Rabbi.
Mikveh on Motzei Shabbos:[17] Immersing in a Mikveh on Saturday night, making sure to be escorted by two women to the Mikveh is a traditional Segula handed down from righteous women for having children.
Kamia:[18] She is to have the Roshei Teivos of the verse of Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe Morasha Kehilas Yaakov written on parchment, and read the verse from it 26 times for the first three nights after Mikvah.
Vapor of lamb lung:[19] Cook the lung and liver of a lamb in expensive wine and when it reaches a boil remove it from the fire and have its vapor enter her body until its heat has dissipated. She should then have intimacy in a warm home.
Be happy: Being joyful and happy is a Segula for having children.
Charity: Distribute charity to the poor on the night of Mikvah.
Meat and olive oil: Eating animal meat and drinking olive oil is a Segula for having children.
Mila knife: Looking at the night of the Mila after the bris is a Segula for having children.
Magnetic stone: Wearing a necklace with a magnetic stone is a Segula for having children.
Wood from grave of a Tzaddik: Wearing a necklace with a piece of wood from the grave of a Tzaddik is a Segula for having children
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