Segulos for getting pregnant and having children-Part 1

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

Segulos for getting pregnant and having children:[1]

Consulting with a physician and receiving medical treatment:[2] In addition to all of the below Segulos, a couple who is having difficulty in getting pregnant and having children should seek expert medical advice in this field [i.e. reproductive endocrinologists, otherwise known as fertility doctors, who specialize in infertility].

The Segulos: There are several Segulos recorded in Chazal and Sefarim for the bearing of children. The following are some of the Segulos that are recorded:

  1. Praying to G-d:[3] One who is having difficulty getting pregnant and having children is to pray to G-d and beseech Him to grant one a child.
  2. Trust in G-d:[4] Having faith and trust in G-d that one will merit to have a child is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children. Even one who asked his Rebbe, or Tzaddik for a blessing and received a positive blessing for children, must not forget G-d who is the source of all blessing and is the one who actually gives the child. Trusting only in a man of flesh and blood, including even a Tzaddik, can G-d forbid lead to a miscarriage of the fetus with which the Tzaddik blessed the couple.[5]
  3. Psalm of Mizmor Ledavid Hashem Roiy:[6] Saying the Psalm of Mizmor Ledavid Hashem Roiy [Tehillim 23] prior to marital relations is a Segula for having children.
  4. Do the will of G-d and the will of one’s wife:[7] One who desires children is to do the will of G-d and the will of his wife. He is to do the will of G-d by dispersing charity and do the will of his wife by rejoicing with her during intimacy.
  5. Add in Torah and Mitzvos:[8] Adding in the fulfillment of Torah and Mitzvos is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
  6. Taharas Hamishpacha:[9] Being careful to guard all the detailed laws of Taharas Hamishpacha is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children, as at times the blessing of G-d for having children is obstructed due to lack of observance of Taharas Hamishpacha. This includes being well learned in all the laws of Nida, Hefsek Taharah, Tevila in a Kosher mikvah, and properly observing these detailed laws. If necessary, one should speak with a Rav for the details of these subjects. One should be careful in these matters not just prior to becoming pregnant but always, even after birth.[10] If the husband or wife expresses strong regret about the keeping of the laws of family purity after she already became pregnant, this can G-d forbid cause a miscarriage. Accordingly, one is not to express regret of this matter.[11]
  7. Covering the hair:[12] Having the wife be careful to properly cover her hair, is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.
  8. Tzenius:[13] Being extra careful in the laws of Tzenius is a Segula for getting pregnant and having children.

[1] See Shulchan Menachem 6:5; Bayis Hayehbudi p. 487; Sefer Segulas Avraham Erech Banim and Akara for a compilation of tens of Segulos from various Sefarim

[2] Igros Kodesh 8:282; 11:278; 13:383; 18:32; Mikdash Melech 3:251

[3] Igros Kodesh 14:383

[4] Igros Kodesh 11:278; 13:185, 14:107, brought in Shulchan Menachem 5:21

[5] Igros Kodesh 29:30

[6] Siddur Admur; Peri Eitz Chaim Shaar Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita 11; Or Tzadikim 27:20; Siddur Yaavetz Mosach Hashabbos Mitos Kesef Chulya Gimel 7:23; Kaf Hachaim 240:65

[7] Miseches Kallah, brought in Tur 240; Bava Basra 10b

[8] Igros Kodesh 14:383

[9] Likkutei Sichos 11:126; 12:178; 22:299; Igros Kodesh 11:278; 14:383; 27:427; 28:133; 29:30

[10] Igros Kodesh 28:133

[11] Igros Kodesh 29:30

[12] Igros Kodesh 7:259; 13:210; Yuma 47a; Zohar Parshas Nasso p. 239 “one who is careful in this merits to have illustrious children, and have her husband be blessed with all blessings of above and below, with wealth and grandchildren”, brought in M”A 75:4; Maharam Alshiker 35; Chasam Sofer ibid; M”B 75:14

[13] Igros Kodesh 7:259; 14:383; Yuma 47a; Zohar Parshas Nasso p. 239 “one who is careful in this merits to have illustrious children, and have her husband be blessed with all blessings of above and below, with wealth and grandchildren”, brought in M”A 75:4; Maharam Alshiker 35; Chasam Sofer ibid; M”B 75:14

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