Reciting the six Zechiros-Background, laws and details

Reciting the six Zechiros:[1]

The Mitzvah:[2] It is a positive command in the Torah to remember [daily] the following actions:

  1. Matan Torah and Mamad Har Sinai:[3] It is a positive command of Torah to remember [daily] the the event of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
  2. Maaseh Amaleik:[4] It is a positive command of Torah to remember ]daily[ the altercation we had with Amaleik while in the desert.
  3. Maaseh Miriam:[5] It is a positive command of Torah to remember ]daily[ the punishment that Miriam received for speaking gossip of Moshe. This command serves as a reminder that one should not speak Lashon Hara.[6]
  4. Maaseh Haeigal and angering Hashem in Midbar:[7] It is a positive command of Torah to remember ]daily[ the sin of the golden calf which had angered God while we were in the desert.
  5. Shabbos: Some Poskim[8] rule it is a positive command to remember Shabbos daily and so rules Admur in the Siddur.
  6. Yetzias Mitzrayim:[9] It is a positive command in the Torah to remember daily the Yetzias Mitzraim every day and night.

When: It is proper to remember the above Zechiros in [Birchas Kerias Shema and] Shema.[10] [In addition] one is to verbally recite the six Zechiros daily after Shacharis.[11] [The six Zechiros are to be recited daily even on Shabbos and Yom Tov, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.[12] On Shabbos they are said after the Parsha of Velakachta Soles.[13]] The Mitzvah of remembering the exodus can be fulfilled anytime one remembers the exodus, whether in a verse from scripture or in a Halacha.[14]

How: Some Poskim[15] rule one is required to verbalize the above remembrances and thinking of them in one’s thought alone does not suffice to fulfill the Mitzvah.

Where in Shema should one remember:[16] One is to think of the remembrances in the following areas of the [blessing directly prior to the] Shema prayer: When one recites the words “Ubanu Bacharta” he should remember the giving of the Torah. When one recites the word “Vekeiravtanu” he should remember the event of the Jewish people standing by Mount Sinai. When one recites the words “Lishimcha Hagadol” he should remember what Amaleik did to us, as God’s name is incomplete until Amaleik’s descendants are eradicated. When one recites the words “Lehodos Lecha” he should remember that the mouth was only created to give thanks to God and not to speak gossip. By remembering this he fulfills the remembrance of what happened with Miriam in the desert. When one recites the words “Uzechartem Es Kol Mitzvos Hashem” within the paragraph of Vayomer of Shema, he should remember the Shabbos which is of equal weight to all the Mitzvos. Regarding the episode of the golden calf, some opinions[17] say that one should remember it when reciting the words “Leyachedecha Beahava [in the Siddur it is “Uleyachedecha Uliahava”] as it is coming to negate the time that we made the golden calf when we were not in love with God.

Women:[18] Women are obligated to remember the exodus daily just like men.[19] [Accordingly, seemingly they are obligated to remember all the six remembrances just like men being that it is not a time-dependent mitzvah, and so explicitly write some Poskim[20] that women are obligated to remember daily the giving the Torah. Practically, it is proper for women to recite the six remembrances just like men.]

Additional Zechiros mentioned in Sefarim:

  1. The Mun:[21] Some write that it is a Mitzvah to remember the falling of the Mun.
  2. Eretz Yisrael:[22] Some write that it is a Mitzvah to remember the land of Israel.
  3. Hatzala Meitzas Bilam:[23] Some write that it is a Mitzvah to remember being saved from the scheme of Balam and Balak.
  4. Yerushalayim:[24] Some write that it is a Mitzvah to remember Jerusalem.


[1] See Siddur Admur with glosses of Rav Raskin in length; Shar Hakolel 11:42; Siddur Tzelusa Deavraham 1:420; Kuntrus Sefer Hazechiros of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchiv; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

[2] Admur 60:4

[3] Admur 60:4; Siddur Admur; M”A 60:2; Ramban Hasagos Shichichas Lavin 2 and in Devarim 4:9; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119

[4] Admur 60:4; Siddur Admur; M”A 60:2; Rambam Aseh 189; Ramban Shichichas Asei 7; Sefer Chareidim 12:22 “Sfeika Deoraisa Lechumra”; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119

[5] Admur 60:4; Siddur Admur; M”A 60:2; Ramban Hasagos ibid and in Devarim 4:9; Sefer Chareidim 12:24; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119

[6] Admur 60:4

[7] Admur 60:4; Siddur Admur; M”A 60:2; Ramban Hasagos ibid; Yalkut Shimoni Bechukosai 671 in name of Sifri

[8] Opinion in Admur 60:4; M”A 60:2; Ramban Shemos 20:8

[9] Admur 67:1; 70:1 and 4; Mishneh Brachos 12b; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119; See Mamar Kimei Tzeischa Melukat Daled

[10] Admur 60:4; M”A 60:2 in name of Kesavim; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119; Yad Aaron on Tur 60; Elya Raba 60:1; Kesher Gudal 10:14; Chesed Lealafim 60:6; Ben His Chaiy Shemos 5; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

[11] Siddur Admur; Siddur Shlah Shaar Hashmayim in name of Kablists; Olas Tamid 1:6; Elya Raba 1:7; Siddur Yaavetz; Kaf Hachaim 60:4 writes to recite it before or after Shabbos

The reason: Some Poskim rule one does not fulfill his obligation of remembering the Zechiros unless it is verbalized. [Shagas Aryeh 13] Accordingly, perhaps Admur required it to repeated after Davening in suspicion of this opinion. However in truth, one cannot offer this explanation regarding the Zechira of Mitzrayim which was recited in Vayomer, and hence one must say the reason is because one does not have intent to fulfill his obligation during Shema, and hence it is repeated after Davening. [Ketzos Hashulchan 19 footnote 28; See Noheig Katzon Yosef 77; Siddur Raskin ibid]

[12] Sefer Haminahgim p. 18; Hayom Yom 8 Menachem Av

[13] Sefer Haminhagim p. 34

[14] Admur 67:1

[15] Sefer Chareidim 12:22 and 24 based on Sifri regarding Maaseh Midbar and Miriam; Shagas Aryeh 13; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

[16] Admur 60:4; M”A 60:2 in name of Kesavim; Peri Eitz Chaim Kerias Shema 3; Shaar Hakavanos p. 119; Yad Aaron on Tur 60; Elya Raba 60:1; Kesher Gudal 10:14; Chesed Lealafim 60:6; Ben His Chaiy Shemos 5; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

[17] Opinion in Admur ibid; M”A ibid

[18] Admur 70:1; M”A 70:1; M”B 70:2; Siddur Beis Oved; See Kaf Hachaim 70:1

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that women are Biblically exempt from the Mitzvah of remembering the exodus daily. [P”M 70 A”A 1 that they are only Rabbinically obligated; Shaagas Aryeh 12; Aruch Hashulchan 70:4; Beis Yitzchak 12; Shut Rav Akiva Eiger 5; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 70:1 footnote 4]

[19] The reason: As it is not a time-dependent command being that the obligation applies daily by night and day. [Admur ibid]

[20] Siddur Yitav Lev; Sefer Shemen Sasson Likkutim p. 149

[21] Sefer Chareidim Mitzvas Asei Hateluyos Baleiv 1:23; Kuntrus of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchiv; Kaf Hachaim 60:4; Siddur of Rav Raskin

[22] Sefer Chareidim Mitzvas Asei Hateluyos Bakaneh 4:51; Kuntrus of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchiv; Siddur of Rav Raskin

[23] Siddur Yaavetz; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

[24] Siddur Yaavetz; Kaf Hachaim 60:4

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