Dancing during Sefirah

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com   *All customs listed below are only practiced during the period of time in which one is accustomed to observe the mourning customs, as explained in the previous Halacha. For semantic purposes we will refer to this as “the mourning […]

Trimming the Mustache

May one trim his mustache? During the regular year: Many Poskim[1] and Kaballists[2] rule that one is obligated to cut the mustache hairs that interfere with ones food.[3] Nevertheless, there are communities that are accustomed not to trim any facial hair, including the mustache hairs that interfere with food.[4] The […]

Chapter 2: The Month of Elul-Shaar Halacha

Chapter 2: The Month of Elul-Shaar Halacha Rosh Chodesh Elul [Halachas 1-3] 1. Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh Elul: The following is a description of the Rebbe Rayatz on Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh Elul in Lubavitch:[1] “On Shabbos Mevarchim Chodesh Elul in Lubavitch, although it was still a clear summer day, the atmosphere […]

11. Resuscitation-May one sign a DNI[1]/DNR[2]/AND[3] order for himself, or for a patient under his care?

11. Resuscitation-May one sign a DNI[1]/DNR[2]/AND[3] order for himself, or for a patient under his care?[4] A. Introduction: Understanding resuscitation and DNI/R consent forms: Resuscitation attempts [i.e. C.P.R.[5]] of one who is under cardiac arrest, or has experienced lung [i.e. respiratory] failure, is a common and proven method of saving […]

Parshas Vaeschanan-Summary, Likkutei Torah & Likkutei Sichos, Audio Shiurim

Parshas Vaeschanon-Summary of Parsha 1) Moshe pleads to Hashem to allow him to enter into Eretz Yisrael 2) Moshe commands Bnei Yisrael to follow the Torah 3) Moshe separates three Arei Miklat Click Here Parshas Vaeschanon-Parsha Bee Not Available Parshas Vaeschanon-Parsha Insights Not Available Parshas Vaeschanon-Mamar Likkutei Torah Belief in […]