May the Sefer Torah be brought around the Shul, or to the women’s section, for them to kiss?

May the Sefer Torah be brought around the Shul, or to the women’s section, for them to kiss?

Some communities are accustomed to bringing the Sefer Torah to different areas of the Shul in order so people can kiss it.[1] The Poskim[2], however, protest this custom, as it is belittling to the Sefer Torah to carry it towards people and rather people are to come towards it. Likewise, the Poskim[3] negate bringing the Sefer Torah to the women’s section for them to kiss, and hence it is better not to start a new custom of bringing them the Sefer Torah.[4] As in all matters of Jewish law, all communities and Shuls are to turn to the community Rav and Posek prior to beginning any new custom in a Shul.


[1] See Chagiga 16b regarding bringing the Shelamim animal to the Ezras Nashim for them to perform Semicha on for them to have Nachas Ruach

[2] Shut Rivam Shneituch 16 strongly protests against the custom which began in Germany and states that the Rabbanim must protest this; Tzitz Eliezer 12:40

[3] Shevet Halevi 6:73

[4] The reason: As women who are a Nida are accustomed not to touch the Sefer Torah, and hence it is better not to start a new custom of bringing them the Sefer Torah. [Shevet Halevi ibid; See Rama 88 based on or Zarua 1:360 that women who are Nidos are accustomed to not touch a Sefer; However see Admur 88:2 and M”A 88:2 that this custom has no source “Ein Minhag Zeh Ikkur”]

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