When after Shabbos may one remove his Shabbos clothing?[1]
It is proper to wear at least some of one’s Shabbos clothing throughout the entire day of Shabbos until after Havdala on Motzei Shabbos[2] [and then immediately remove it after Havdala in order so one does not wear Shabbos clothing during the weekday[3]]. [Some however have the custom to not remove their Shabbos cloths until after eating Melaveh Malka.[4] Others only remove them prior to going to sleep.[5] It is told of the Rebbe Maharash[6] and the Rebbe Rashab[7] that he would remove his Shabbos clothes immediately after Shabbos, not wanting at all to wear them during the weekday. However, of the Rebbe Rayatz[8] it is told that his father the Rebbe Rashab told him to follow the custom of Chernobyl to not change his Shabbos clothing on Motzei Shabbos, and so is the custom of the Rebbe[9], and so instructed the Rebbe to others.[10]]
There exist various opinions and customs regarding when to remove the Shabbos clothing on Motzei Shabbos. 1. Upon leaving shul after Maariv. 2. Immediately after Havdala. 3. Immediately after Melaveh Malka. 4. Prior to going to sleep. |
[1] See Chikrei Minhagim 2:72
[2] Admur 262:3; M”A 262:2 [until after Havdala]; Aguda 143 [until Motzei Shabbos]; Regarding the personal custom of the Alter Rebbe, see Shemuos Usiburim 2:37 although it is difficult to deduce anything conclusive from the story.
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that one is to wear Shabbos clothing until he leaves shul after Maariv [and he does not necessarily have to wear it until after Havdala]. [Chidushim Ubiurim Upesakim Mahraz Binga Hilchos Rosh Chodesh 40] Other Poskim rule that one is not to remove his Shabbos clothing at all on Motzei Shabbos [until he goes to sleep]. [Sefer Haminhagim Tirana p. 119 in name of Ravayah; Leket Yosher p. 58 that so was the custom of his teacher the Terumas Hadeshen]
[3] Toras Chaim Sofer 262:6; Minhagei Chasam Sofer in Sefer Tomar Devora 6:2, according to one testimony; See regarding not wearing Shabbos clothing during the weekday: Admur 262:3; M”A 262:2; Peri Eitz Chaim 18:4; Shaar Hakavanos Erev Shabbos
[4] Yesod Veshoresh Havoda Shaar Hashemini 13 p. 85; Kaf Hachaim 262:28; Minhagei Chasam Sofer in Sefer Tomar Devora 6:2, according to one testimony; Yizchron Yehuda regarding custom of Maharam Eish
The reason: As the extra soul does not depart until after Melaveh Malka. [Kaf Hachaim ibid]
[5] Sefer Haminhagim Tirana p. 119 in name of Ravayah; Leket Yosher p. 58 that so was the custom of his teacher the Terumas Hadeshen; Toras Chaim Sofer 262:39 that most Jews are not careful to remove their Shabbos closing immediately after Shabbos; Nechamas Yosef 53 that so was the custom of Chassidim in Europe; Birchas Hapesach 17 Pischa Zuta 2
[6] See Sefer Hasichos 5704 p. 94; Likkutei Dibburim 1 p. 103; Sefer Hasichos 5697 p. 242
[7] Otzer Minhagei Chabad Elul p. 22 in name of Rav Refael Kahn and Rav Yaakov Landa
[8] Kitzur Halachos Miluim p. 56; See however Likkutei Sippurim p. 259 [implies that usually he would change them after Havdala]
[9] See Kitzur Halachos Miluim p. 56 in name of Rav Groner in name of Rav Shmuel Levitin; Chikrei Minhagim 2:72; Halichos Uminhagim Inyanei Shabbos p. 68
[10] See Chikrei Minhagim 2:72
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