What to use for Kaparos instead of chickens such as if chickens are not available

What to use for Kaparos instead of chickens such as if chickens are not available:[1]

If there are no chickens available for Kaparos, then other animals [such as a goose[2]] may be used for the Kaparos. However, young doves and Turim should not be used.[3] [Others say one may even use live fish, as explained in the Q&A. The original custom was to use a plant.[4] Today, the widespread custom is to use money if chickens are not available.[5] This money is then given to the poor.[6] However, based on Kabala, one is to only use a chicken.[7]]



May one use fish for Kaparos?

Some Poskim[8] rule that live fish is valid to be used for Kaparos in the event that poultry is not available. Based on Kabala, one is to only use a chicken.[9]

Order of precedence if one cannot personally perform Kaparos over chicken:

1.      Appoint a Shliach to do Kaparos on your behalf over a chicken, if viable, as explained in B in Q&A.

2.      Another animal/bird.[10]

3.      Fish[11]

4.      Plant.[12]

5.      Money[13]




[1] Admur 605:1; M”A 605:3; M”B 605:4

[2] M”B 605:4

[3] The reason: As these birds are fit to be sacrifices on the altar, and thus if one performs Semicha on it with his hands it will appear as if he is sanctifying Kodshim and sacrificing them outside of the Temple. [Admur ibid]

[4] M”A ibid in name of Rashi, in name of Teshuvos Hageonim, explain in Machatzis Hashekel; See Siddur Yaavetz that a plant was used as man is compared to a tree.

[5] Chayeh Adam 144; M”B 605:2; Custom of world Jewry, brought in Siddur Chabad of 1944 published by the Rebbe; Custom mentioned by Rebbe in Seudas Rosh Hashanah 5730 [Hamelech Bemesibo 2:23] that so was printed in Machzorim before the Mishneh Berurah was born to do on money, although that nevertheless, the main custom is to do over chicken as required according to Kabbalah; See 4th option in M”A ibid regarding using a plant

[6] Based on M”B 605:2

[7] Rebbe in Hamelech Bemesibo 2:23 brought in glosses of Rav Raskin on Siddur p. 541

[8] 3rd option in M”A 605:3 in name of Levush; M”B 605:4

[9] Rebbe in Hamelech Bemesibo 2:23 brought in glosses of Rav Raskin on Siddur p. 541

[10] Admur 605:1; 2nd option in M”A 605:3 and M”B 605:4

[11] 3rd option in M”A ibid in name of Levush and M”B 605:4

[12] 4th option in M”A ibid

[13] Chayeh Adam 144; M”B 605:2; Custom of world Jewry, brought in Siddur Chabad of 1944 published by the Rebbe; Custom mentioned by Rebbe in Seudas Rosh Hashanah 5730 that so was printed in Machzorim before the Mishneh Berurah was born to do on money, although that nevertheless, the main custom is to do over chicken as required according to Kabbalah

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