May Kaparos be redone with the same chicken on another person?[1]
This follows the same law as above, that initially each person is to use a single chicken which is then slaughtered and not reused for any other person. However, in a time of need, one may use the same chicken for Kaparos of various people.[2] It is forbidden for Kaparos organizers to trick the public and reuse the same chickens for the people doing Kaparos. One who does so is stealing from the original owners and is tricking each subsequent person who reuses that chicken for their Kaparos. Nevertheless, seemingly Bedieved everyone fulfills their obligation, as stated above that in a time of need one may use even one chicken for many people.[3]
[1] See Admur 605:3; Elya Zuta on Levush 605; Hamaor 1985 p. 15; Nitei Gavriel 10:12
[2] M”B 605:3; Levush 605:1 “As two people can take one Kaparah”; This follows the 1st custom mentioned in Admur 605:3 who allows one chicken to be used for many family members.
[3] Meaning that one fulfills his obligation according to the 1st custom in 605:3, however according to the 2nd custom there one does not fulfill his obligation. [See Elya Zuta on Levush 605; Hamaor 1985 p. 15; Nitei Gavriel 10:12]
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