Saying Yihiyu Leratzon at the end of Chazaras Hashatz:[1]
Some Poskim[2] rule the Chazan is not required to recite the verse of Yehiyu Lertatzon at the conclusion of his repetition.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule the Chazan is required to recite the verse of Yehiyu Lertatzon at the conclusion of his repetition. Practically, the custom is like the former opinion[5] although it is proper to suspect for the latter opinion[6] [and so is the custom today[7]].
Summary: The Chazan is to recite the verse of Yehiyu Leratzon at the conclusion of his repetition.
[1] Admur 123/8
[2] Stam opinion in Admur ibid; Rama 123/6; Darkei Moshe 123/5; Beis Yosef in name of Ohel Moed
[3] The reason: As he relies on the sentence of Tiskabeil Tziloshon which he will say at the end of Kaddish. [Admur ibid; M”A 123/14]
[4] 2nd opinion in Admur ibid; Shelah Inyanei Tefila, brought in M”A ibid; Elya Raba 123/12; Soles Belula 123/4; Gr”a; Derech Hachaim; Kitzur SHU”A 29/7; Ashel Avraham Butchach 268; Shulchan Hatahor 123/5; Birchas Habayis 42/20; Mamar Mordechai 123/13 and Kaf Hachaim 123/30 in their understanding of Beis Yosef and Michaber ibid and that so is Sefaradi custom; Shalmei Tzibur p. 47 and Kaf Hachaim ibid in their understanding of Shaar Hakavanos that so is the proper custom based on Kabala
[5] Admur ibid; However see Mamar Mordechai ibid and Aruch Hashulchan 123/8 that the custom is like the latter opinion.
[6] Admur ibid; Chayeh Adam 29/2; Majority of Poskim, as brought in previous footnotes; See the two opinions in Admur 122/1 and the final ruling there
[7] Piskeiy Teshuvos 123/7
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