Parshas Naso-Summary of the Parsha

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Parshas Naso

Pesukim: 176 [Siman: עמינדב]

Haftorah: Shoftim 13:2-25

The Mitzvos:

There are eighteen Mitzvos in Parshas Naso. Eight positive commands and ten negative commands


A. Positive:

1. Mitzvah 362; Positive 143: To send the impure people outside of the camp called Shechina.

2. Mitzvah 363; Positive 144: To prevent any impure people from entering the Mikdash.

3. Mitzvah 364; Positive 145: To confess one’s sins to Hashem.

4. Mitzvah 365; Positive 146: To bring a Sota wife to the Kohen to have done to her as instructed in the Torah.

5. Mitzvah 374; Positive 147: For the Nazir to grow his hair.

6. Mitzvah 377; Positive 148: For the Nazir to shave his hair and bring Karbanos at the end of his Nezirus period.

7. Mitzvah 378; Positive 149: For the Kohanim to bless the Jewish people.

8. Mitzvah 379; Positive 150: For the Kohanim to carry the Aron on their shoulders during travel.

B. Negative:

1. Mitzvah 366; Negative 220: Not to place oil on the Karban of the Sota.

2. Mitzvah 367; Negative 221: Not to place frankincense on the Karban of the Sota.

3. Mitzvah 368; Negative 222: The prohibition for the Nazir to drink wine.

4. Mitzvah 369; Negative 223: The prohibition for the Nazir to eat grapes.

5. Mitzvah 370; Negative 224: The prohibition for the Nazir to eat raisins.

6. Mitzvah 371; Negative 225: The prohibition for the Nazir to eat grape seeds.

7. Mitzvah 372; Negative 226: The prohibition for the Nazir to eat grape peels.

8. Mitzvah 373; Negative 227: The prohibition for the Nazir to shave his head.

9. Mitzvah 375; Negative 228: The prohibition for the Nazir to enter a home which contains corpse.

10. Mitzvah 376; Negative 229: The prohibition for the Nazir to impurify himself to a corpse.


  1. The census and services of the Levite family of Gershon:
  • Hashem commanded Moshe to count all the male members of the Gershon family who are between the ages of 30-50.
  • The Gershon family’s job of carrying the vessels: The Gershon family servicemen are to carry the tapestries of the Mishkan, the spread of the Ohel Moed and its Tachash leather cover that is on it and the screen of the entrance to the Ohel Moed. They are to carry the curtains of the courtyard and its entrance screen, the ropes and all their accessories.
  • Ithamar the supervisor: Ithamar the son of Aaron was appointed to supervise their work.

Sheiyni (according to Torah Temima/Chabad)

  1. The census and services of the Levite family of Merari:
  • Hashem commanded Moshe to count all the male members of the Merari family who are between the ages of 30-50.
  • The Merari family’s job of carrying the vessels: The Gershon family servicemen are to carry the beams of the Mishkan, its poles, pillars and sockets, and all its accessories. The pillars of the courtyard, their sockets, pegs and ropes.
  • Ithamar the supervisor: Ithamar the son of Aaron was appointed to supervise their work.


  1. The census of working men in the three families:
  • Kehos: The family of Kehos had 2,750 working men between the age of 30-50.

Sheiyni (according to most Chumashim)

  • Gershon: The family of Gershon had 2,630 working men between the age of 30-50.
  • Merori: The family of Merari had 3,200 working men between the age of 30-50.
  • Total number of worker: The total number of working Levites between the age of 30-50 was 8,580.



  1. Expelling the impure from the camp:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that he should command Bnei Yisrael to expel from their camp any person, male or female, who is a Metzora, a Zav, or is impure to a corpse so that they do not impurify the camp in which Hashem dwells. Bnei Yisrael did as instructed.
  1. Laws relating to one who swears falsely:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that he should tell Bnei Yisrael that any man or woman who has committed sacrilege against G-d [by swearing falsely regarding a stolen object] is to be held accountable. They are to confess their sin before G-d and reimburse the person [who the object was stolen from] plus an additional fifth. If the victim is not alive and does not have any heirs to whom one can return the debt, then it is to be given to the Kohanim, per Hashem’s instructions. All the above is in addition to bring a sacrificial ram for atonement.


  1. Giving the Kohen his designated presents:
  • All the donations [of Bikkurim] of the Jewish people is to be given to the Kohen. However, the donor reserves the right to decide which Kohen to give it to. One who gives the Kohen will receive [monetary blessing].


  1. The adulterous Sotah wife:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that he should tell the Jewish people the Sotah laws.
  • The sin: If a wife strayed from her husband and betrayed him, having sexual relations with another man, unware to her husband, then if she was warned by her husband [not to seclude herself with another man and she transgressed] and secluded herself, then she must follow the Sotah procedure.
  • Bringing her and her Karban to the Kohen: The Sotah woman is to be brought by her husband to the Kohen. He is to bring with him, her Karban Mincha, which is 1/10th of an Eifa of unsifted barley flour without oil or frankincense, as it is a sin offering.
  • The procedure: The Kohen is then to stand her before Hashem. The Kohen is to take holy water in an earthenware vessel and place onto it earth that was taken from the Mishkan floor. The Kohen is to uncover the woman’s hair and place the Mincha offering on her palm. He is to remain holding the bitter waters.
  • Administering the oath and bitter waters: The Kohen is to administer an oath to the woman saying that if she did not betray her husband then she will be found innocent of the bitter waters. If, however, she is guilty, then a curse will befall her and the bitter water will cause her thigh to fall and her stomach to swell. She is to answer Amen Veamen. The above curse is to be written on a scroll and erased in the water and then given to the woman to drink.
  • The Karban: The Kohen is to take the Karban Mincha from the woman and wave it before Hashem and then offer a portion of it onto the altar. The woman is to be given the water to drink only after the Mincha is offered.
  • The effect of the waters: If the woman is guilty of adultery, her stomach will swell, and her thigh will fall off. If she is innocent, she will have children.


  1. The Nazir:
  • The prohibitions: A man or woman who swears to become a Nazir to Hashem may not drink wine or eat grapes throughout the period of his Nesirus. He may not cut his hair or defile himself by contacting a corpse throughout the entire Nazir period, even if it is the corpse of a relative. A Nazir is holy to Hashem.
  • If the Nazir becomes impure: If he does become impure to a corpse he is to shave his head on the 7th day, and on the 8th day he is to bring two doves to the Kohen, one for a Chatas and one for an Olah. After the Nazir period is complete he is to bring a sheep in its first year as an Asham
  • The Nazir procedure: After the Nazir period is complete he is to come to the entrance of the Ohel Moed and bring with him a sheep in its first year as an Olah and a female sheep within its first year as a Chatas, and a ram as a Shelamim. He is to bring a basket of Matzos, their Mincha and libations. The Kohen is to offer all the above offerings and shave the head of the Nazir in the entrance to the Ohel Moed. The hair is to be placed on the fire used to cook the Shelamim. Afterwards, the Kohen is to take a cooked foreleg of the ram and two different Matzos and place it on the palm of the Nazir and wave them before Hashem. The Nazir may then drink wine.
  1. Birchas Kohanim:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe saying that he should tell Aaron and his sons that they should bless the Jewish people with the blessing of Yivarechicha Hashem Veyishmirecha etc.



  1. The Karbanos of the Nesi’im:
  • On the day that Moshe completed the erecting the Mishkan and anointing all the vessels the leaders of the tribes brought a Karban before Hashem. They brought six covered wagons and 12 oxen, intending there to be 2 oxen per wagon and one wagon for every two tribes. Hashem instructed Moshe to take the wagons and give it to the Levites to use to perform the work of the Ohel Moed. The Gershon family received 2 wagons and 4 oxen. Merari received 4 wagons and 8 oxen and Kehos did not receive any wagons as they must carry the items of the Mishkan on their shoulders.
  • The tribal leaders came to bring their Karban to the Mizbeaich to inaugurate it and Hashem instructed Moshe that each tribe should bring their Karban on a separate day.
  • The first day: On the first day, Nachshon Ben Aminadav of the tribe of Yehuda brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of: One silver bowl which weighed 130 Shekel. One basin of silver which weighed 70 Shekel. Both were filled with fine flour which was mixed with oil, as a Mincha offering. One ladle of gold which weighed 10 Shekel filled with incense. One young bull, one ram and one sheep within its first year as an Olah. One goat as a Chatas. For a Shelamim sacrifice was brought 2 cattle, five rams, five male goats, and five sheep within their first year.
  • The second day: On the second day, Nesanel Ben Tzuar of the tribe of Yissachar brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The third day: On the third day, Eliav Ben Cheilon of the tribe of Zevulun brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The fourth day: On the fourth day, Elitzur Ben Shedeur of the tribe of Reuvein brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The fifth day: On the fifth day, Shelumiel Ben Tzurishaddai of the tribe of Shimon brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.


  • The sixth day: On the sixth day, Eliasaf Ben Deuel of the tribe of Gad brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The seventh day: On the seventh day, Elishama Ben Amihud of the tribe of Ephraim brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The eighth day: On the eighth day, Gamliel Ben Pedahtzur of the tribe of Menasheh brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The ninth day: On the ninth day, Avidan Ben Gidoni of the tribe of Binyamin brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The tenth day: On the tenth day, Achiezer Ben Amishaddai of the tribe of Dan brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.


Shevi’i (according to most Chumashim)

  • The eleventh day: On the eleventh day, Pagiel Ben Ochran of the tribe of Asher brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The twelfth day: On the twelfth day, Achira Ben Einan of the tribe of Naftali brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.


Shevi’i (according to Torah Temima/Chabad)

  • The total number: The total number of Karbanos brought were:
    • 12 silver bowls which weighed 130 Shekel.
    • 12 basins of silver which weighed 70 Shekel for a total of 2400 shekel of silver
    • 12 ladles of gold which weighed 10 Shekel filled with incense for a total of 123 shekel of gold.
    • 12 young bulls, 12 rams and 12 sheep within its first year as an Olah.
    • 12 goats as a Chatas.
    • For a Shelamim sacrifice was brought 24 cattle, 60 rams, 60 male goats, and 60 sheep within their first year.
  • When Moshe entered the Ohel Moed to speak with Hashem he would hear Hashem speak from between the Keruvim.


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