Parshas Metzora- Summary of the Parsha


Parshas Metzora

Pesukim: 90 [Siman: עידו]

Haftorah: Melachim 2 7:3-20

Number of Mitzvos:

There are a total of Eleven Mitzvos in Parshas Metzora; Eleven positive commands and Zero negative commands. The following are the commands in the chronological order that they are brought in the Parsha.


A. Positive:

1. Mitzvah 173/Positive 79: To follow the process instructed for purifying Tzaraas, such as to take two birds, the cedar wood, hyssop, crimson wool, fresh water and do as instructed for the purification.

2. Mitzvah 174/Positive 80: To shave off all the hair of the body of a Metzora.

3. Mitzvah 175/Positive 81: To immerse in a Mikveh when one desires to purify oneself from impurity.

4. Mitzvah 176/Positive 82: For the Metzora to bring a Karban when he is cured.

5. Mitzvah 177/Positive 83: To follow the laws instructed regarding a house which has grown Tzaraas.

6. Mitzvah 178/Positive 84: To attribute laws of impurity to a Zav.

7. Mitzvah 179/Positive 85: For a Zav to bring a Karban after he is healed.

8. Mitzvah 180/Positive 86: To attribute laws of impurity to one who expels or touches Shichvas Zera/semen.

9. Mitzvah 181/Positive 87: To attribute laws of impurity to a Niddah.

10. Mitzvah 182/Positive 88: To attribute laws of impurity to a Zava.

11. Mitzvah 183/Positive 89: For a Zava to bring a Karban after she is healed.


  1. The laws of the purification of a Metzora:
    • The following are the laws of a Metzora on the day of his purification when he is brought to a Kohen. The Kohen is to come visit the Metzora outside of the camp. If the Metzora is seen to be healed of his Tzaraas, the Kohen is to begin his purification process.
    • The first stage of purification: The Metzora is to take two birds, cedar wood, a wool string, and hyssop. One bird is to be slaughtered and have its blood poured into an earthenware vessel that is filled with water. The cedar wood, a wool string, and hyssop are to be bound and dipped into the water and blood. The live bird is to also be dipped into the vessel. The above items are then to be sprinkled seven times onto the Metzora. The bird is then to be let free. The Metzora is to wash his clothing and shave all his hair and immerse in a Mikveh. He is then able to enter the camp. He must however remain outside his tent for another seven days.
    • The second stage of purification after seven days: On the seventh day, he is to have all his hair shaved a second time. He is to wash his clothing and immerse in a Mikveh.
    • The Karbanos on eighth day: On the eighth day, he is to take two unblemished male lambs and a female lamb in its first year, and three tenth-ephahs of flour and one Lug of oil. The Kohen is to place the Metzora in front of the opening of the Heichal, before Hashem. One lamb is to be offered as an Asham with the oil and then they are both taken and waved before Hashem.



  • The Asham blood: The Asham is to be slaughtered in the same area that the Chatas and Olah is slaughtered. The blood of the Asham is to be placed on the Metzoras right ear lobe and right thumb of his hand and foot.
  • The oil: The oil is to be poured into the left palm of the Kohen and the Kohen is to dip his right finger into the oil and sprinkle the oil seven times in front of Hashem. The remaining oil is to be placed on the Metzora’s right ear lobe and right thumb of his hand and foot, on top of the blood. The remaining oil is then to be poured on the head of the Metzora.
  • The Kohen is then to offer the Chatas and then offer the Olah and then the Mincha. The Metzora is now pure.

Shelishi (Chamishi when connected to Metzora)

  1. The Karbanos of a pauper Metzora:
  • A Metzora who cannot afford to take three animals, is to take a single male lamb for an Asham, and flour mixed with oil for a Mincha, and a Lug of oil, and two birds, one for a Chatas and one for a Olah. The same purification process is to be repeated. [The Torah goes on to repeat every single step mentioned above, without change.]

Revi’i (Shishi when connected to Metzora)

  1. The laws of Tzaraas on a house:
  • Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aaron saying that when they come to Eretz Canaan, Hashem will place Tzaraas in houses. One who has Tzaraas in his house is to approach the Kohen and tell him that there is a Tzaraas like lesion in his house. The Kohen is to have the entire house cleared of all its belongings prior to him coming to examine the lesion. This is done to prevent the belongings from becoming impure.
  • The examination: If the lesion on the wall is green or red and it is lower than the rest of the wall then the following is done: The Kohen leaves the house and seals it for seven days. The Kohen is to return on the seventh day and see if the lesion has spread.
  • The Tzaraas spread-The purification process-stage 1: If the lesion spread, the Kohen is to have the stones of the wall that have the lesion, removed and taken outside the camp, to an impure place. The area around the lesion is to have a layer of its material removed and have that material thrown outside of the camp, to an impure place. New stones are to be placed into the wall, and the peeled area of the wall is to be filled in.
  • If the Tzaras returns: If the Tzaraas returns after this, then the house is impure. The entire house is to be destroyed and all of its material is to be removed outside of the camp. [The examination to check whether the Tzaraas returned takes place seven days after the purification process.] Whoever enters the house during this time becomes impure.
  • If the Tzaras does not return-Purification process-stage 2: If the Tzaraas does not return, then the house is to be purified. Two birds, cedar wood and crimson wool string are taken. One bird is to be slaughtered and have its blood poured into an earthenware vessel that is filled with water. The cedar wood, a wool string, and hyssop are to be bound and dipped into the water and blood. The bird is also to be dipped into the vessel. The above items are then to be sprinkled seven times onto the house. The bird is then to be let free to outside of the city.


  • This concludes the laws of all the types of Tzaraas.
  1. The Zav impurity:
    • Hashem spoke to Moshe and Aaron telling them to speak to Bnei Yisrael regarding the laws of Zav. A man who has a flow of semen like fluid is to be declared impure.
    • Contact with the Zav: Whatever bed he lies on and whatever seat he sits on becomes impure. One who touches his bed becomes impure until the night. Whoever sits on his seat becomes impure until the night. Whoever touches the skin of the Zav is impure until the night. If the Zav spits on a person he is impure until the night. Whatever ride the Zav rides on becomes impure and whoever touches it is impure. Whoever the Zav touches becomes impure. An earthenware vessel that is touched by the Zav becomes impure and is to be destroyed. A wood vessel is to be immersed in water.
    • Purification process of Zav: The Zav is to count seven days and immerse his clothing and body in water. On the eighth day he is to take two birds and bring them to the Ohel Moed to the Kohen. The Kohen is to offer one as a Chatas and one as an Olah.


Shishi (Shevi’i when connected to Metzora)

  1. The impurity of Shichvas Zera:
    • A man who releases semen is to immerse in water and he is impure until the evening.
    • Any garment or leather that touches the semen is impure and is to be immersed in water.
    • A woman who lies with a man and he released semen into her, they are both impure until the evening and are to immerse in water.


  1. The impurity of a Niddah:
  • When a woman sees blood, she is to be in the state of Niddah for seven days.
  • Contact with her: Whoever touches her is impure until the evening. Whatever bed she lies on and whatever seat she sits on becomes impure until the evening. One who touches her bed becomes impure until the night. Whoever sits on her seat becomes impure until the night. If a man lies with her, he is impure for seven days just like her.
  1. The impurity of a Zava:
  • When a woman sees blood for many days outside of her menstruation period, she is to be in the state of impurity for the amount of days that she bled.
  • Contact with her: Whatever bed she lies on and whatever seat she sits on becomes impure until the evening. Whoever touches it is impure until the evening.
  • Purification process of Zava: When she stops seeing the blood she is to count seven days and is to become pure.



  • On the eighth day she is to take two birds and bring them to the Ohel Moed to the Kohen. The Kohen is to offer one as a Chatas and one as an Olah. She then becomes purified of her impurity.
  • Bnei Yisrael are to be warned of all the above impurities. This concludes the laws of all these impurities.

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