May one paint his house during the three weeks and nine days?
A. During the three weeks:[1]Some Poskim[2] rule it is proper to abstain from painting one’s house throughout the three weeks, even prior to the nine days.
If one began painting or renovations prior to the three weeks: If one began painting prior to the three weeks, then even according to the above opinion, he may continue the job past the 17th of Tammuz.[3] He may do so up until the start of the nine days.[4] However, some Poskim[5] allow one to complete the job up until the week of Tisha B’av.
House is damaged:[6] The above prohibition and stringency only apply if one desires to paint for pleasure purposes. If, however, the house and paint is damaged, such as due to a leak or fire and the like, then it may be painted and renovated throughout the three weeks, even during the week of Tisha B’av.
2. During the nine days:[7]It is forbidden to paint one’s house during the nine days.[8]
If one began painting or renovations prior to the nine days: If one began painting prior to the nine days, then then some Poskim[9] rule he may complete the job up until the week of Tisha B’av. However, other Poskim[10] rule it is forbidden to continue the job during the nine days.
House is damaged:[11] The above prohibition only apply if one desires to paint for pleasure purposes. If, however, the paint of the house is damaged, such as due to a leak or fire and the like, then it may be painted throughout the three weeks, even during the week of Tisha B’av.
__________________________________________________[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:8
[2] Elya Raba 551:4 in name of Mahril based on Michaber ibid who wrote “It is forbidden during the nine days …. Or a building of design and fashion” and he applies it also to the three weeks, and this includes painting.
[3] Elya Raba ibid
[4] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid based on M”B 551:12
[5] Igros Moshe 3:82
[6] See Michaber 551:2; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid in name of Rav Moshe Halbershtam
[7] Piskeiy Teshuvos 551:8
[8] Based on Michaber ibid that wrote “It is forbidden during the nine days …. Or a building of design and paint”
[9] Igros Moshe 3:82
[10] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid based on M”B 551:12
[11] See Michaber 551:2; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid in name of Rav Moshe Halbershtam
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