May one wear more than one pair of Tallis Katan at a time? 

Bal Tosif by Tzitzis-May one wear more than one pair of Tallis Katan at a time?

A. Introduction-The prohibition of Bal Tosif:[1]

The Torah prohibits one from adding to the commands. The interpretation, however, of this prohibition varies based on the type and form of addition and hence by every command in the Torah one must analyze and research the specifics of what is defined as Bal Tosif and what is not. Regarding the Mitzvah of Tzitzis, we find explicitly ruled in the Poskim that under this prohibition is a prohibition against tying more than four sets of Tzitzis strings on more than four corners, and hence even a more than four cornered garment may only have Tzitzis strings tied to four of its corners.[2] Likewise, if one ties more than four strings to the corner, even if he adds only one more string, he transgresses the Biblical prohibition of Bal Tosif.[3] Likewise, a Tallis that has two sets of Tzitzis tied to a single corner is invalid, as by doing so one has transgressed the prohibition of Bal Tosif.[4] Likewise, according to those opinions who exempt the nighttime from the wearing of Tzitzis, it would be considered Bal Tosif for one to wear the Tzitzis at night for the sake of the Mitzvah, although it may be worn due to doubt.[5] We will now analyze whether the wearing of more than one pair of Tzitzis consists of the prohibition of Bal Tosif or not.

B. The law:[6]

[Although we find Rishonim[7] who rule that it is forbidden to wear more than one pair of Tzitzis at a time, and that doing so consists of Bal Tosif, practically we rule that] every pair of four cornered garments which one wears is obligated in Tzitzis and that it is permitted to wear more than one Tallis at a time. This applies whether one wears a Tallis Gadol and Tallis Katan at the same time, or wears two or more pairs of Tallis Katan’s simultaneously, and so is the custom of all world Jewry to wear a Tallis Katan and Tallis Gadol simultaneously during Davening. Doing so does not consist of the prohibition of Bal Tosif or any other prohibition.[8] Furthermore, upon doing so a second blessing is to be recited if an interval has taken place between the wearing of the two garments, as explained below.

  • Case Examples: Thus, one who does not desire to remain even one moment without a Tallis Katan upon changing the Tallis to another pair, can first put on the new pair and then remove the old pair. Likewise, if one is cold and desires to wear a few pairs of wool Tallis Katan’s to keep him warm, or one is traveling and desires to wear a few pairs to prevent overweight luggage, one may do so without worry.]

The reason for the allowance and why it does not transgress Bal Tosif: The reason that wearing more than one garment of Tzitzis does not involve the prohibition of Bal Tosif, is because a) As in truth one is not adding to the mitzvah at all, as the mitzvah is to place Tzitzis on every four cornered garment that one wears and hence one is precisely fulfilling this command by wearing more than one 4 cornered garment with Tzitzis. [In other words, since the Mitzvah is not to wear a four cornered garment with Tzitzis, but rather simply to tie Tzitzis to all four cornered garments that one wears, it is hence not applicable to the concept of Bal Tosif, and on the contrary, this is precisely how the Mitzvah is to be performed.] b) We do not apply the prohibition of Bal Tosif towards fulfilling a mitzvah a second time, and hence we find that it is permitted for one to blow Shofar or shake Lulav more than once, and it does not involve Bal Tosif.[9]

Saying a blessing:[10] Upon wearing a second pair of Tzitzis a second blessing is to be recited if an interval has taken place between the wearing of the two garments. This applies even if one is still wearing the original Tallis Katan. The Poskim, however, discuss and debate in length the definition of an interval. Practically, a person must repeat the blessing upon wearing a subsequent pair of Tallis Katan/Gadol unless all the following conditions are fulfilled:

  1. He had in mind to place on the second Tallis during the original blessing, or prior to finishing to wear the original garment included in the blessing.
  2. He did not speak of non-Tzitzis related matters in between.
  3. He did not go from outside to inside or vice versa.
  4. He did not switch rooms, or did switch rooms but had this mind originally at the time of the blessing.

It is permitted to wear more than one Tallis Katan or Gadol at a time. Upon doing so a second blessing is to be recited if an interval has taken place between the wearing of the two garments.



[1] See Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech “Bal Tosif” Vol. 3 p. 326

[2] Admur 10:2 and 15; M”A 10:2

[3] Admur 11:1; Michaber 11:12

Other opinions: Some rule that if one adds an extra string, the prohibition is due to Chatzitza and not due to Bal Tosif. [Raavad 1:15, brought in Tehila Ledavid 11:1]

Does one transgress Baal Tosif even if he does not wear the Tallis: It is implied that one transgresses Baal Tosif even prior to wearing the Tallis in this form, and rather the mere tying is already a transgression. Vetzaruch Iyun!

[4] Admur 10:14; Michaber 10:6; Menachos 40b

[5] See Siddur Admur “Doing so does not involve the prohibition of Bal Tosif being that there are opinions that state one is obligated to wear Tzitzis on a day garment even if it is worn at night…. And even if he removed it and then put it back on at night there is no prohibition of Bal Tosif” See also Admur 31:2 regarding Chol Hamoed and 34:4 regarding Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin and why it does not transgress Bal Tosif

[6] Admur 8:21 “If one has a number of four cornered garments, they are are obligated to have Tzitzis attached to their corners even if one plans to wear a number of them at the same time, as the verse states “Al Kanfei Bigdeihem” which is said in plural and hence implies that every four cornered garment that one wears has an individual Tzitzis obligation.”; Michaber 8:12; Opinion recorded in Orchos Chaim Hilchos Tzitzis 4; Makor Chaim [Chavos Yair] 9; Toras Chaim Sofer 24:3; Artzos Hachaim 24:9

[7] Ralbag Bamidbar 15:39 [end of Parshas Shelach] “We learn from the words Ureisem Oso, that one may not see it and another pair, meaning that it is not proper for a person to wear two Talleisim with Tzitzis, and so is derived from the words Asher Tichaseh Bah”; Ralbag Parshas Ki Seitzei 22:12 “I believe that it is improper for a person to wear two garments that have Tzitzis as the verse states Asher Tichaseh Bah in the singular which implies that one should not wear it and another, and as well the verse states Ureisem Oso, that one may not see it and another pair. Likewise, doing so could lead one to believing in more than one God… Now, just as one who wears two pairs of tefillin on his head transgresses the prohibition of Bal Tosif, so too regarding one who wears more than one garment of Tzitzis, that he transgresses the prohibition of Bal Tosif”; Brought, and negated in Makor Chaim 9, Toras Chaim Sofer 24:3, Artzos Hachaim 24:9

Opinions who rule that only one pair of four cornered garments is obligated in Tzitzis: Some Poskim rule that only the most upper four cornered garment that is worn is obligated in Tzitzis. [Opinion recorded in Orchos Chaim Hilchos Tzitzis 4, brought in Beis Yosef 8; Moshav Zekeinim on Torah end of Parshas Shelach that this matter was debated between Rav Yehuda Hachassid and Reb Shmuel Paliza, with the latter holding that only one of the pairs is to have Tzitzis] See Toras Chaim Sofer that seemingly the above opinion of the Ralbag ibid is based on this opinion] Practically we do not rule like this opinion.

[8] Although it is not the widespread custom even amongst Tzaddikim to specifically wear more than one Tallis Katan, nevertheless if one desires to do so there is no prohibition involved. It is recorded that several Torah sages were accustomed to wear more than one Tallis Katan in order to fulfill their obligation of Tzitzis according to all opinions.

[9] See Tosafus Rosh Hashanah 16b; 28b; Encyclopedia Talmudit ibid p. 327

[10] See Admur 8:21-22; Michaber 8:12-13 and Michaber Y.D. 19:5; M”A 8:14 and 16 and 19; Taz 8:10; Elya Raba 8:14; Kaf Hachaim 8:45-50; See also Admur 206:9 and Seder 9:5 for a similar ruling regarding fruits; 432:8 regarding Bedikas Chameitz; Yoreh Deah Michaber 19:6 regarding slaughtering animals

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