May one use a magnifying glass or solar cooker/oven to cook his food on Shabbos?

May one use a magnifying glass or solar cooker/oven to cook his food?[1]

It is initially forbidden to cook food using a magnifying glass or solar cooker due to it possibly being considered Toldos Hachamah. Nonetheless, some Poskim[2] rule that in a case of slight illness one may be lenient to ask a gentile to cook through a magnifying glass.[3]

Cooking on a fire that was created through the magnifying glass: Some Poskim[4] rule it is Biblically forbidden to cook food on a fire that was created using a magnifying glass, just as is prohibited by a man-made fire. Other Poskim[5], however, rule it is only a Rabbinical prohibition of Toldos Haor.


[1] Kaf Hachaim 318:46 [regarding making a flame with the glass]; See Maor Hashabbos 1:17 footnote 8 [p. 284]

[2] Shevisas Hashabbos Mivashel 44

[3] The reason: As perhaps this is considered Chamah, or perhaps it is considered Toldas Chamah, hence through a gentile one may be lenient in a time of illness.

[4] Lev Chaim 3:68

[5] Shaar Zekeinim 2 p. 86

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