May one play the music of the wedding on Motzei Lag Baomer?

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May one play the music of the wedding on Motzei Lag Baomer?

Some Poskim[1] rule that if the Chuppah took place on Lag BaOmer, it is permitted to continue with the music on Motzei Lag BaOmer. However, other Poskim[2] are stringent. [It is said that the Rebbe asked Rabbi Groner to visit the wedding halls on Lag Baomer and ask them to stop playing the music starting from sunset.[3]


[1] Igros Moshe 97; Nitei Gavriel 48:19

[2] See Maharsham 493 in name of Daas Kedoshim; Minchas Yitzchak 1:111; Shraga Hameir 2:13; Piskeiy Teshuvos 493:11 and footnote 39

[3] Heard from Rabbi Groner, however the dancing may continue

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