May a child wear a Tallis Katan with torn strings?

May a child wear a Tallis Katan with torn strings? Must the Tzitzis of a child be Kosher, as is required by the Tzitzis of an adult?

Children of all ages may only wear a pair of Kosher Tzitzis. Thus, if the Tzitzis tears in a way that invalidates the Tzitzis, the child is to no longer wear it or say a blessing over it. Nevertheless, some[1] write that until the age of Chinuch [age 6] one may be lenient to validate torn Tzitzis so long as they abide by some opinion mentioned in Poskim.[2] 

See here for the full details of a torn string: and


[1] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 17:2

[2] Thus the strings must only reach a length of 8 cm [opinion in Michaber 11:4], and may be torn on all sides so long as Kdei Aniva remains, and so on and so forth.

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