Is Aneinu to be recited in Shemoneh Esrei of a private fast day?

Is Aneinu to be recited in Shemoneh Esrei of a private fast day?[1]

Accepted the day before: If one accepted the fast by the Mincha prior to the day of the fast, then one is to recite Aneinu in the Mincha prayer.  

Did not accept the day before: If one did not accept the fast by the Mincha prior to the day of the fast, then it is disputed as to whether one is to recite Aneinu in the Mincha prayer, and practically the Asheknazi custom is to say it.  


[1] See Rama 562:5; M”A 562;10; Taz 562:5-6; M”B 562:24-25; Kaf Hachaim 562:36

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