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In order for a Tallis to be Kosher, and hence enable one to fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzis through wearing it, it must be a Tzitzis requiring garment and contain Kosher Tzitzis. The laws of this chapter relate to the Kashrus of the Tzitzis strings. The laws of a Tzitzis requiring garment were explained in the previous chapter. In all the following laws, whenever the term Beged or Tallis is used, it refers to the four cornered garment onto which the Tzitzis is tied. Whenever the term Tzitzis is used, it refers to the fringes that are braided onto the garment. Depending on the context, at times the term Tallis or Tzitzis may be used to refer to a Kosher pair of Tzitzis which consists of a garment and fringes.
The Kashrus of the Tzitzis strings:
The Kashrus of Tzitzis strings is dependent on various factors. Only specific strings may be used as Tzitzis as well as the tying of the strings to the corners must abide by specific regulations. The following are the relevant ramifications of invalid Tzitzis strings:
- One does not fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzis and a blessing may not be recited.
- One is forbidden to wear the Tallis if it is a Tzitzis requiring garment [as explained in the previous chapter].
The conditions required for Kosher Tzitzis are as follows:
- The garment is a Tzitzis requiring garment. [Chapter 3]
- The material of the Tzitzis is a valid Tzitzis material [Chapter 3 Halacha 2]
- The color of the Tzitzis is a valid Tzitzis color. [Chapter 3 Halacha 4]
- The fringes were spun and intertwined. [Halacha 1A]
- The strings of the fringes were spun Leshma. [Halacha 1B]
- The strings of the fringes were spun by a valid person. [Halacha 1C]
- The fringes are owned by the person wearing the Tallis. [Halacha 1F]
- The fringes are attached to the proper area of the corner [Chapter 3 Halacha 12]
- A set of fringes is tied to each of the four corners of the Tallis. [Halacha 2]
- The correct number of strings is used for each corner. [Halacha 3]
- The strings contain a valid length. [Halacha 5]
- The strings are braided Leshmah. [Halacha 7A]
- The strings are braided by valid people. [Halacha 7B]
- The strings are originally braided in a Kosher fashion. [Halacha 7C and 9]
- The strings are braided in the proper form of braid. [Halacha 9]
- The fringes do not contain an invalidating tear. [Halacha 12]
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