How is Kaparaos to be performed to small children who cannot do so themselves

How is Kaparaos to be performed to small children who cannot do so themselves?[1]

The father is to do so for them.[2]

Who is to say Zeh Chalifasi when doing on behalf of another? The person who the Kaparah is being done for is to say “Zeh Chalifasi” while the circles are being made over their head.[3] Alternatively, the person who is holding and circling the chicken is to say “Zeh Chalifascha”.[4] This Nussach is to be said when doing Kaparos on behalf of children who are too young to recite the Nussach. 


[1] Likkutei Maharich

[2] Kitzur SHU”A 131:1; Mateh Efraim 605:6

[3] See Nitei Gavriel 11 footnote 17

[4] Kitzur SHU”A ibid

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